Chapter 26 : Southeast Asia 7th Grade Social Studies
Section 1: Physical Geography Section 2: History and Culture CHAPTER 26 Southeast Asia Section 1: Physical Geography Section 2: History and Culture Section 3: Mainland Southeast Asia Today Section 4: Island Southeast Asia Today
Locate Indochina Peninsula Malay Peninsula Philippines Irian Jaya Borneo Java Sumatra Mekong River Malay Archipelago X X X X X New Guniea
Main Ideas The region’s highest mountains are found in Northern Myanmar. The largest cities are found in or near the region’s five major rivers. Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia are the world’s largest producers of rubber.
Why Study Southeast Asia? The economies of some Pacific Rim countries are so fast-growing and investments are interwoven with the U.S. and can effect our stock market. The Vietnam War has affected the American consciousness. Our experiences there continue to affect U.S. policies and actions, particularly regarding the military The struggle of East Timor to win independence from Indonesia required the assistance of a UN peacekeeping force.
Vocabulary Mainland - A region or country’s main landmass Archipelago (ahr-kuh-PE-luh-goh) A large group of islands
Vocabulary refugees People who flee to another country, usually for economic or political reasons
Vocabulary klongs Canals throughout Bangkok, Thailand
Vocabulary kampongs A traditional village in Indonesia; also the term for crowded slums around Indonesia’s large cities sultan The supreme ruler of a Muslim country
Links Krakatoa A site featuring a map of the ocean floor where one of the most powerful volcanic explosions occured. Krakatoa is located near a region where the Indo-Australian plate subducts under the Eurasian plate. Web site by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Links Exploring the Deep Ocean Floor Abundant and unusual sea life has been discovered around deep ocean hot springs. This site describes some of the discoveries made since 1977. Web site by: USGS
Physical Geography SECTION 1 SOUTHEAST ASIA Physical Features Vegetation and Wildlife Climates Resources Indochina and Malay Peninsulas, Malay Archipelago, the Philippine Islands, five major river systems, and some mountains tropical, with seasonal monsoons rain forest, rhinoceroses, orangutans, tigers, and elephants forests, rich farmland, tin, iron ore, oil, gas
Section 2: History and Culture
Main Ideas The Khmer Empire was the most advanced of the region’s societies.
Main Idea The Europeans influenced the region’s history and culture by controlling the region and introducing new languages, religions, and foods.
Links Sculpture of Angkor and Cambodia A site which provides the opportunity to navigate through the exhibition galleries at the National Gallery of Art. Select objects for larger image views, close-up details, and more information from a virtual docent. Web site by National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
INFLUENCES ON SOUTHEAST ASIA SECTION 2 History and Culture INFLUENCES ON SOUTHEAST ASIA Various governments (communist, democratic, etc.) Settlers from China and India Khmer Empire Europeans
Sec 3: Mainland Southeast Asia Today
Main Ideas Most Mainland Asians live in rural areas, particularily in fertile river valleys and deltas because most are farmers. Many people are moving to cities to look for work. Thailand has the strongest economy because of its rich natural resources.
Links Rubber Production A photo essay showing the tapping of rubber trees, collection of latex, and processing of raw rubber. Web site by: Illinois State University
Links Lao People’s Democratic Republic A photo essay. Subjects are a New Year's Festival in Luang Phabang, a festival in That Luang, Vientiane and vicinity, Wat Xieng Khuan, and Buddha images. Web site by: Toru Ota
• near rice-growing areas SECTION 3 Mainland Southeast Asia Today RURAL LIFE BOTH URBAN LIFE • in remote hill and mountain villages • most people live here • has businesses • crowded, smoggy, noisy • important shipping areas • near major rivers • near rice-growing areas
Sec 4: Island Southeast Asia Today Shadow Puppets
Main Ideas The region’s largest city is Jakarta. Manila and Kuala Lumpur are important to their countries because they are capital cities, and centers of industry, commerce and transportation.
Main Idea Indonesia was once called the Spice Islands because of the many spices there. The Netherlands once controlled Indonesia.
Links Orangutan Foundation International The organization was created in 1986 by scientist and conservationist Dr. Birute Galdikas. On this site, you can meet the Orangutan of the Month, learn fascinating facts, hear the long call of an adult male, hear Dr. Galdikas, and find maps and satellite images of Borneo. Web site by: Orangutan Foundation International
Island Southeast Asia Today SECTION 4 Island Southeast Asia Today MAJOR CITY IMPORTANT FEATURE Jakarta largest city, many kampongs Singapore modern, clean, low crime rate, strict laws Manila capital of Philippines, major seaport Kuala Lumpur Malaysia’s capital, cultural and business center
Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 26 1. What peninsulas and archipelagos make up Southeast Asia? 2. Where will you find the highest mountains in Southeast Asia? 3. What factors have slowed economic progress in mainland Southeast Asia? 4. What resources are important to the economies of the region? 5. How did European countries influence Southeast Asia?