Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar
Icelandic flag Blue –water, sea Red – fire,volcanos White – snow, glacier
June 17th National day of Iceland The year1944 Iceland became independent. Before that Iceland was a colony of Denmark. June 17th was selected as our National day because the leader of the 19th century Icelandic movement was born the same day in 1811.
Iceland - Snæfellsbær
Snæfellsbær community
Snæfellsbær Community of 1732 inhabitants The glacier Snæfellsjökull is situated in the center of the community The four fish in the logo of Snæfellsbær represent the four small communities that were joined together in 1994
Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar School for pupils aged 6-16 years old Primary and lower secondary school All pupils have the right to attend the school – disabled as well as others There are 250 pupils in the school on 3 different locations
Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar
Hellissandur 1 st - 4 th grade 6 – 9 years old 73 pupils
Ólafsvík 5 th -10 th grade years old 154 pupils
Lýsuhólsskóli 1 st -10 th grade 19 pupils from the rural area of Snæfellsbær
Staff of the school Members of staff are 67 Teachers 38: Female 34 Male 4 Other staff: 29 Female 23 Male 6
Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar
Our logo Two children. Their heads represent the sun and the moon. Their hands form the outlines of our glacier. Their feet and body represent the power in people as they are like machinery of a power plant but also the legend of the powers within our glacier.
School year Students have to attend school for 180 days between the 24th of August until the 3rd of June Teachers have to work 190 days each school year Holidays 2015 – 2016: Christmas: 19th of December – 3rd of January Easter holiday: 19th of March – 28th of March Winter break 3 days: 16th,19th and 20 th of October
Timetables for students class from 08:40 – 13:4030 lessons per week 5.-7 class from 08:30 – 14:1035 lessons per week class from 08:30 – 14:5037 lessons per week Each lesson is 40 minutes.
Main subjects at school IcelandicSwimming MathematicsSports ScienceArt and craft Home economicsEnglish DanishICT History Woodwork Textiles
Sports in the school Physical education twice a week Swimming once a week Íþróttaval (more P.E.) Skólahreysti (School health)
Grænfáninn (the green flag) The school has been awarded “the green flag” as a reward for our environmental and self-sustaining work
Átthagafræði (Local Region Education) One of our main points of focus is teaching our pupils about our Community; its history, nature and possibilities for the future. Within that work we try to work as much „hands-on“ as possible, going on field trips to gather information or get to know places of interest in Snæfellsbær. This is a special subject in our school, which is not common in Icelandic schools.
Sports in Iceland Football is the most popular sport in Iceland Our team is number 35 on the FIFA list Handball Golf
Greetings from Grunnskóli Snæfellsbæjar