YMCA Project Christina * Nellie * Kayla * Stephany
Background YMCA is a non-profit organization Been a part of the Ashland community for over 100 years
Background Continued 3,000 members 10% Population Penetration Missing Demographic year olds Variety of Programs offered: Childcare Mentoring Programs Youth Sports Swim Classes Adult fitness
Situation Analysis Successfully accessing youth and senior citizen populations Programs centered around fitness
Difficulties Similar facilities in the area Rec Center at AU Kroc Center
Difficulties Location Street Recognition
Core Problem & Opportunity Attract ages in missing demographics to increase members and increase revenue for the Y
Goal of Project Our goal is to make the YMCA a more prominent figure in the Ashland Community
Objectives 1. Find a cross organizational class that could be offered through the YMCA 2. To design a system of visual aids to increase locational awareness of the YMCA. 3. Host an information booth during Ashland’s Balloon festival to increase awareness.
Strategy 1: Public and Community Awareness of the YMCA 1. Have the Ashland YMCA be apart of the Balloon Festival. 2. Pass out Flyers to increase interest. 3. Hold classes from the YMCA at the University.
Strategy 2: Increase awareness of the location the YMCA 1. Purchase entrance sign to make location clear. 2. Contact city and hang street sign. 3. Paint the letters “YMCA” on the current building.
Street Sign
Entrance Sign
Letters on Building
Strategy 3: Express Gratitude to New and Existing Members 1. Put motivational quotes/facts around the Y. 2. T-Shirt drawings for class participation. 3. Decorate bulletin boards to keep members informed and motivated.
Motivation for members You Can Do It! You’re beautiful! Don’t give up! Stay Strong! Keep it Up!
T-Shirts for class drawings Motivation
Motivational Messages
Milestones for May and June 2012 for Balloon Festival Milestone 1- By the end of the first week in May, contact the holders of the Balloon Festival to become a part of it. Milestone 2- By May 19 th have all flyers made and posted around the city to bring awareness that the YMCA will be at the Balloon Festival on June 28- July 1. Milestone 3- By the end of May (31 st ) have exactly what activities the Y plans on holding at the Balloon Fest such as sport tournaments and exhibits of the building; also put together informational brochures on the classes and what the Y has to offer to the community. Milestone 4- By June 10 have a list of all volunteers willing to help run activities/ exhibits during the weekend of the fest. Preferably the staff and current members of the Y to help, that way they can share personal experiences they’ve had at the Y. Milestone 5- By June 16 make sure to have all equipment and supplies needed for the festival ready to go. Milestone 6- On June 24 hold a final meeting of everyone working and volunteering at the Y to have a final run- through of exactly what is going to happen at the festival. Milestone 7- June 28- July 1 BALLOON FESTIVAL!
Calendar for the Summer Months MAY 2012 Week 1: Hold a summer program open house for people of all ages. Week 2: Look into and find street sign and front entrance sign. Week 3: Contact Recreational services at AU to see what classes we offer that they do not and which instructors would be available to go teach at the University. Week 4: Member appreciation week! JUNE 2012 Week 1: To keep current members motivated put inspirational and motivating quotes and facts on machines and in bathrooms. Week 2: Pass out flyers to people of the community. Have them at stores such as Walmart with summer specials and info on the YMCA. Week 3: Find organizations that would want to host events at the YMCA such as sports camps for kids or educational classes. Week 4: Prepare for Balloon Festival
Calendar Continued… JULY 2012 Week 1: Open facilities up for organizational workshops. Trial preview week. (Free). Week 2: Contact city about landmark sign to bring awareness of the YMCA. Week 3: Member Appreciation Week! Week 4: 2 week sports and educational camp AUGUST 2012 Week 1: Second week of sports and educational camp Week 2: Award week for sports and educational camps Week 3: Fall program open house Week 4: Fall program open house
Cost for the ENTIRE Campaign… ONLY $2,081.99