EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI SAM New Requirements from the SA1 Survey
EGI-InSPIRE RI My EGI: Data inconsistencies have been observed between regional nagios results vs data provided by myegi portal and between regional myegi vs central myegi. […] A legend defining the different status (es. missing,Unknown, Removed) would be useful […] –This is a known issue (GGUS ticket is pending), MRS team is working on the problem. Looking in the history the myEGI portal is buggy at times. Sometimes you encounter “server error” type messages. Further, I would like to be able to click through the error messages generated by the tests, just like you could do with SAM –We're working on particular exceptions that are being reported on the server side and we're closing as many issues as possible (the number of server errors was significantly improved recently). Clicking through the test is possible via metric status view (however due to large number of entries on the central service this can be slow. We recommend using regional/local SAM instance for this.) MyEGI bugs 2
EGI-InSPIRE RI Search / filter GUI is a bit complex. Also the user cannot enter directly a region or site: the user must wait for the GUI to auto ‐ suggest an answer and click it. –SAM ticket will be opened this Clearer graphical representation of when the tests were performed. Current timeline bar is not accurate enough to check the timestamp of a given failed test –This has been fixed in recent updates and can be seen in the history view. MyEGI bugs Technical Forum, Lyon
EGI-InSPIRE RI WMS/Top BDII history data is not collected –Not clear and could be related to the issue with the profile. We are collecting the results for Top BDII/WMS: r=23&flavour=20&monitored=2&status=1&status=2&status=3&status=4&status=5&iDisplayLength=10&startdate= &enddate= Eliminate frequent problems with ATP (like missing data) –Significant improvements were made to fix many frequent problems with ATP, please report any bugs via GGUS Other issues Technical Forum, Lyon
EGI-InSPIRE RI MyEGI needs to improve its usability […] Also people get confused about the options for the profiles […] Also, my overall impression is that the service is too slow […] MyEGI portal could be more responsive –SAM ticket to be opened to fix the filter. –Poem introduces the description for each profile, which should help to get better understanding of its purpose. –We are working on the MyEGI user guide that should explain the technical aspects of the portal. –Performance was improved recently by upgrading to Oracle 11g and we're working on other performance improvements as well –We recommend using local portal as central portal has a huge number of results to process/visualize. MyEGI Usability 5
EGI-InSPIRE RI The service would be more useful for us if there will be an easy way to integrate regional services. –Support for regional services is currently being discussed in the EGI scoped sites requirement. – Regional Services Technical Forum, Lyon
EGI-InSPIRE RI Documentation on the Nagios box could be greatly improved –A central point of documentation was established and we're working on improving its content. Documentation 7
EGI-InSPIRE RI Optimization for mobile access –We'll put this on the list of requested features in case there will be additional effort to work on MyEGI Mobile Access Technical Forum, Lyon