Harambee Intern Guide Book Things an Intern working at Harambee Needs
Harambee Ministries Small, family like ministry. Prep School, K-6th After-School program Junior Staff program
How I started… 1st year: I used up a lot of time doing things that were unnecessary. 2nd year: Had more time to do a lot more things and be more productive.
Guide Book Not really a manual. Introduction, experiences, etc. Different programs and areas of ministry Tips, advice, things to expect, etc. Forms, documents, templates, lesson plans Past history, data, resources and materials
Examples Introduction and overview of Harambee. History, Present, Future goals Harambee Creed, Pledge, Philosophy of Ministry, etc. Introduce past interns and go into their experiences.
Harambee Creed We are what we make of ourselves. We will no longer fit into the mold that has been prepared for us. We will strive for completeness in Christ that will compel us to stand Against the social and economic injustices of our time. We will identify and understand our heritage. Thus affirming our family. We will broaden our educational and technical skills. We will learn to use the economic system to free our people From the poverty cycle. We will never discourage, but always encourage, our sisters and brothers. Then we will join hands and move together to change our society. Harambee! Harambee! “Let’s get together and push”
Areas of Service School Short staffed in Math classes, TMC staff would help in that area. After-School Had a class to yourself and did: Homework Martial Arts, Hip Hop dance, Praise dance Organized sports Computers
After-School Behind the scenes I did a lot of the organizing and data tracking. Volunteers/ Church groups and their hours Student and parent information In kind donations Monthly reports for Harambee and TMC After-school homework sheet. Teachers record who completed their homework, who didn’t complete it, who had their homework checked…
Templates Next intern will have templates. Saves time. Most of the information on all the different forms stay the same except for the date and year. Along with templates, various ‘lesson’ plans will be in the guide for new interns. Crafts, Activities, Sports, Game ideas, rainy day CEF good news Character First. Links an animal with a specific character. (ie Owl and Wisdom)
Examples of some Templates
Rest of the Intern Guide Tips and Advice Expected the unexpected Monthly reports Resources: field trips, busses, supplies, churches, etc. Complied from
The End