GeoELSE The Acquasanta Railway viaduct (Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Problem) Dr. Marco Stupazzini Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano Milan, October 22nd, 2007
GeoELSE a joint cooperation between: The mesh of the Colosseo and related snapshots are a courtesy of Dr. Fabio Maggio (
2nd Study Case: Acquasanta Viaduct railway bridge
Dynamic Soil Structures Interactions Wave propagation in 2D Source and Propagation zoom Fault Site Effects and Dynamic Soil Structures Interactions zoom
Wave propagation in 3D complex domain Fault 1 891 m Fault 2 T = 0.5s 1756 m T = 1.0s 2160 m T = 1.5s T = 2.0s Snapshots of Displacement
Acknowledgements GeoELSE LMU Geophysik Dep. Prof. Peter Bunge SPICE project Coordinated by Prof. Heiner Igel Leibniz rechenzentrum DISEG Prof. S. Lagomarsino Dr. S. Resemini
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