Blue Friday PLC Fundamental I: Core Curriculum & Instruction
Learning Intentions Overview – Expectations – IS/TOSA support Working Agreements August 4-6 Reflection – How did your sites arrive here? This fundamental? – Strengths/Opportunities for improvement Desired outcomes from PLC time at Blue Fridays
AEIOU Working Agreements AEIOU (can’t forget that!) Ask questions. Engage fully. Integrate new information. Open your mind to diverse views. Utilize what you learn. How do we hold each other accountable?
Professional Learning Community Four Essential Questions for Teacher PLCs What do we expect our students to learn? How will we know they are learning? How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond if they already know it? Four Essential Questions for Core Instruction BF PLCs What do we want to learn about Core Instruction? How will we know we are learning? How will we respond to challenges? How will we build upon what we already know?
Overview – Professional Learning Community structure Data Professional Inquiry Collaborate to learn and share solutions – Facilitated Conversations of Position and Expectation Statements – Aligned with LTL, Blue Fridays and Pink Wednesdays
Reflection Consensogram – rate yourself What strengths and opportunities for improvement to you bring to this PLC? Individual reflection on reflection sheet / Share at table Volunteer - group share one strength and one opportunity for growth from your table.
August 4-6 Reflection How did your site(s) choose Fundamental I? Why did your site(s) chose Fundamental I Individual reflection / Share at table / whole group
Creating our Desired Outcomes for BF PLC Questions Focus (AKA Needs Assessment) – Each expectation on a separate chart – Groups write questions, then rotate to each of the other stations in numerical order – Last group prioritizes top 3-5 questions – Come back together as whole group
Instructional Practice Guides Scan the Instructional Practice Guide documents for each content area Consider where you currently are in your learning and compare to a windshield (see postcard on your table)
Using the IPGs for planning As you read consider the benefit and impact on teacher planning by utilizing the IPG. Read Core Action 1 of your assigned IPG – Say Something to your partner about what you read. – Write Something on your note-taker Complete the same process with the other Core Actions from your assigned IPG.
Planning time How does this translate to Pink Wednesday content?
Did we accomplish our Learning Intentions? Overview Working Agreements August 4-6 Reflection Desired outcomes from PLC time at BF Examine the IPGs Planning time
Closure Overview of the content For next time… – Expectation 1: The Core Actions are evident in planning throughout the PLC process and observable in instruction. Schools use primary and supplementary curricular materials, horizontally and vertically articulated, and documented. – Think Core Action 1 and 2 What artifact / data / information do you want to discuss with your colleagues? Accountability Partner share Session Evaluation