PSQM Photo Album by Sally Naish
Class 3 learning about habitats and how seeds are dispersed as part of a topic on Autumn
As part of Habitats Class 3 looked at the changes that happen in Autumn and wrote about them.
Display of Habitats in Class 3
Class 3 learning about Light.
Links with Shipston High School are very strong Class 3 borrowed Light meters from the secondary school to see which material let more light in. Year 6 made and launched rockets. We have an Eco Day each year. Year 5/6 have a 6 week DT/Science project. This year we studied electricity and made money boxes.
Science in the grounds The bugs hotel is a constant source of discovery as children look for hidden creatures. Our vegetable garden yields potatoes to cook for lunch.
W e made band rollers and then tested them in the hall.
Older children helped the younger ones to make a slope to roll the marble down
We have our 2 nd Eco school Green Flag
Science displays around the school Class 1 Space Project
Class 2 experimenting with hydraulics to knock down cups.
Professor Harrison making ice cream with liquid nitrogen.
Class 2 learning about Forces
Mad Science event – awe and wonder
Class 4 making dragsters to see which design went the furthest. This explored fair testing and data handling.
Year 6 making Rockets at Shipston High School