Catalyst Answer in complete sentences 1. What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum? 2. What is the function of the ribosome? 3. Draw a cell in a hypertonic solution and explain what would happen to it according to osmosis. 4. A cell containing 30% sugar solution is placed in 70% sugar solution. What will happen if ACTIVE transport occurs? If you don’t have enough room, you can go into Friday’s Catalyst box.
Objectives By the end of today, SWBAT… Be ready to DOMINATE the unit test tomorrow!!!
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic?Prokaryotic? Cell Membrane Yes CytoplasmYes NucleusYesNo DNAYes, inside of nucleus Yes, floating in cytoplasm
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Prokaryotic No nucleus DNA is floating in cytoplasm Single-celled organisms are made of them Eukaryotic NUCLEUS! DNA is in the nucleus Multi-Culled organisms are made of them
What makes them different? The function of a cell (what it does) is determined by its structure (what it is made of) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic code that instructs the cell how to run (it’s what makes you “you”) Organelle: Part of a cell
Cell Organelles Nucleus Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Mitochondria Chloroplast Vacuole Cell Wall Ribosome Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough and Smooth) Golgi Apparatus Lysosome
Plant cell vs. Animal Cell Eukaryotic Cells Plant Cells have… Cell wall Chloroplasts HUGE vacuole And they photosynthesize to create sugar for energy Animal cells’ mitochondria create ATP energy only
Definitions Solution = a mixture of solute and solvent Concentration = measurement of how much solute there is in the solvent High concentration: lots of solute, compared to solvent Low concentration: little solute, compared to solvent liquidstufffinal product
Passive Transport Passive transport takes no energy and always moves towards equilibrium. Goal: Equal concentration High Low concentration Happens naturally (no energy)
Diffusion Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration Diffusion continues until there is equilibrium Cell membranes are selectively permeable
Osmosis Osmosis is the diffusion of water When cells are placed in hypertonic or hypotonic solutions, they change in volume
Hypertonic Solution Outside Cell Inside Cell 70% water 50% water
Water Hypertonic Solution Outside Cell Inside Cell 70% water 50% water
Hypertonic Solution Water Inside Cell Outside Cell 60% water
Hypotonic Solution Outside Cell Inside Cell 22% water 40% water
Water Hypotonic Solution Outside Cell Inside Cell 22% water 40% water
Inside Cell Water Hypotonic Solution Outside Cell 30% water
Isotonic Solution Inside Cell Outside Cell 90% water
SHOW ME WHAT YOU KNOW! When talking about osmosis or diffusion, Explain that diffusion happens in order to create equilibrium Concentrations want to be equal! Identify when diffusion/osmosis will stop When the concentrations reach equilibrium! Identify the measure of concentration when equilibrium is reached Find the average, if possible!
Active Transport Active transport takes energy to move all solutes in or out of the cell. The goal is to move against equilibrium Low High concentration Happens on purpose (takes energy)
Passive vs. Active Transport PassiveActive What’s moving?Diffusion – Solutes Osmosis – Water Solutes Equilibrium?GOAL!Goes against it. Flow High LowLow High Requires Energy?No. Natural!YES!
Egg Lab – Day 2 An egg is ONE cell! Underneath the shell is a semi-permeable membrane – a cell membrane! If we put this egg into a hypertonic or hypotonic solution, osmosis will occur. SO LET’S DO IT!
Egg Lab – Day 2 6.Make detailed observations of your eggs. Record your observations in Data Table 2. 6.Pour out all of the acetic acid and find the mass of each egg again. Be very gentle. Record your measurements in Data Table 1. 6.Completely cover Egg A with distilled water. Make observations of both the egg and the material it is submerged in. Record your observations in Data Table 2. 6.Completely cover Egg B with corn syrup. Make observations of the egg and the material that it is submerged in. Record your observations in Data Table 2.
ORGANELLE SHOWDOWN RULES! Two teams will line up at the board. Each player has to answer the question as quickly as possible. Bring your notecards to line to review as we play. We will keep points and the team with the most points wins! NO HELPING! Automatic 2 point deduction.
SHOWDOWN! This part of the cell is selectively permeable and only allows in certain things.
SHOWDOWN! This is an organelle that is found both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
SHOWDOWN! This is an organelle that is found only in plant cells.
SHOWDOWN! All organelles are found floating here
SHOWDOWN! This organelle allows sunlight to be converted into sugar.
SHOWDOWN! This organelle is a pathway for proteins to reach the Golgi apparatus.
SHOWDOWN! If this organelle were destroyed, then a cell could no longer create ATP (energy)
SHOWDOWN! This organelle packages and ships proteins.
SHOWDOWN! In prokaryotic cells, DNA is found floating here
SHOWDOWN! This organelle destroys old organelles and cleans up the cell.
SHOWDOWN! This organelle is the reason that plant cells are rectangular
SHOWDOWN! This organelle contains the instructions for creating proteins
SHOWDOWN! Food and water is stored inside of this organelle
SHOWDOWN! 2 part question!! 1) Rough ER has this on it. 2) What is the function of the organelle in number 1?
SHOWDOWN! 2 PART QUESTION!!! 1) This organelle is much bigger in plants than animals 2) What is the function of the answer to #1?
BONUS ROUND! Each question is worth 3 points!!
Which of the following is true? A produces energy for the cell D holds the DNA only in Eukaryotes C produces energy for the cell B is a pathway for proteins to travel
Which of the following is FALSE? (1) holds DNA in eukaryotic cells (3) holds food and waste and is huge in plant cells (4) is only present in animal cell This is a plant cell
golden TRANSPORT RULES! Remember these to be golden A) What is the membrane permeable to? Solute: Diffusion or Active Transport Diffusion – moving towards equilibrium Active Transport – moving away from equilibrium Water: Osmosis B) Osmosis and Tonicity Calculate % of water (if necessary) Hypertonic – more water inside; water out; cell shrinks Hypotonic – less water inside; water in; cell expands Isotonic – same water on both side; no net movement; cell stays the same size
Transport Trash-ketball! Teams will put their boards up when the timer goes off. The team with the best answer will get to shoot. The best answer will include Any work shown neatly A clear explanation from a person that I choose. So make sure your whole group knows how to get the answer If the person can’t answer, I’ll move the next best group
Trashketball! A cell of 4% water solution is sitting in a 9% water solution. 1.Draw and label this solution 2.Is this hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic? 3.Where does the water move?
Trashketball! A cell with a 41% concentration of sugar sitting in a 41% sugar solution. 1.Draw and label this solution 2.Is this hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic? 3.Where does the water move?
Trashketball! A cell of 25% sugar, 75% water solution is sitting in a solution 15% sugar, 85% water solution. 1.Draw and label this solution 2.Is this hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic? 3.Where does the water move?
Trashketball 1) What will move – solute or solvent? 2) Which way will it move? This membrane is permeable to the solute.
Trashketball 1) What will move – solute or solvent? 2) Which way will it move? This membrane is permeable to the solute.
Trashketball – Tough one! 1) What will move – solute or solvent? 2) Which way will it move? This membrane is NOT permeable to solute
Trashketball If this cell were to undergo active transport… What moves? Where? Does it ever stop?
Trashketball If this cell were to undergo active transport… What moves? Where? This membrane is permeable to the solute.
Review Sheet Work TIME!! Review sheet!!
Exit Question 85% mastery What are you going to do today/tonight in order to ensure you achieve at least 85% mastery on all GLEs tomorrow?