Motivational Interviewing: Beyond Theory Anya Sheftel
Does doing MI ever feel like a 10,000 meter dash?
Client-centered Directive Ambivalence Intrinsic motivation
“…I had my niece and my nephew and I don’t smoke in front of them, like I don’t want to be no bad influence on them at all, and I would never put myself in that situation like that….” “I say, just remembering her. Trying to do a lot of things she asked me to. Trying to do right by my grandma. ….”
“… The things that you’re telling me I’m not supposed to do, I’m going to do. Like if you tell me, ‘No, you can’t smoke,’ I’m going to look at you like ‘oh, all right.’ Then I’m going to smoke. Just because you told me what I can’t do as a human being.....”
Express Empathy Develop Discrepancy Roll with Resistance Support Self-Efficacy
Don’t look at me. Don’t ask me questions. Don’t judge me.
Listening for Complexity (turn to Exercise 2)
“I am proud of myself, I guess. I didn’t think it would go as well as it did.” “I mean like I feel like I don’t know. It’s awesome.”
“Like 300 some dollars and put it in the trash and just walked off. That’s how I feel. Cigarettes, you smoke them and they’re there for the moment, but basically it’s like a hustle. They know people are going to want more. It’s only there for the moment.”
Session 1: “Just keeping myself calm, pretty much just not letting too much get to me and um, that’s pretty much it. … keep my mind off of negativity if I know its gonna get me to the point of if I’m gonna need a cigarette.” Session 2: “…I only smoked 3 days out of the week and normally like I smoke everyday. And that was the 5 th when I was here and that Saturday and I smoked one early but I have really been doing good because normally I smoke like each day and um I been doin I been doin real good.”
Turn to Exercise 3. I will read each statement A1 – A5. You will have 20 seconds to write a reflection for each statement A1 – A5.
Turn to Exercise 3. I will read each statement B1 – B5. You will have 20 seconds to write a complex reflection for each statement B1 – B5. Pay attention to rolling with resistance and reinforcing change talk.
Turn to Exercise 3. I will read each statement C1 – C5. Use reflections to guide the client to engage them in a possibility of filling out job applications.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Anya Sheftel