Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Dairy Disaster Assistance Payment Program DDAP-III
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits FSA-747 Application for DDAP-III benefits Separate FSA-747 for each operation All persons who share in the risk of operations total production must certify. One FSA-747 for multiple disasters
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Example #1 ABC Dairy Operation consists of Bob Jones and Frank Smith who jointly share in the operation 50%. ABC Dairy Operation completes FSA-747 that includes both Bob Jones and Frank Smith at their 50/50 interest.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Example #2 XYZ Dairy Operation is 100% owned by Frank Smith who is also a member of ABC Dairy Operation from Example #1. XYZ Dairy Operation completes an FSA-747 for Frank Smith’s 100% interest
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Separate Dairy Operations A dairy operation is considered separate when both of the following apply: A dairy operation is considered separate when both of the following apply: Milk production is not commingled All milk marketing payments and records are separate.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Signature Requirements All participants’ signatures must be received by the ending signup date to be announced at a later date. Neither STC nor COC has authority to approve late-filed FSA-747. All participants’ signatures must be received by the ending signup date to be announced at a later date. Neither STC nor COC has authority to approve late-filed FSA-747.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Deceased Individuals and Dissolved Entities Must have authority to sign Use FSA-325 according to 1-CM
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Multiple Benefit Deduction Payments made for 2005 DDAP-II must be reduced by the amount received under DDAP-III. Producers must certify on FSA-747 whether a 2005 DDAP-II payment was received.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits FSA-747
Part A
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Part B
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Part C
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Part D Losses determined by COC not be disaster related losses must be: Entered in Part D Adjusted from calculated production losses as provided in module 3 Documented in COC minutes
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Example Bob Jones suffered losses in 2005 as a result of Hurricane Katrina and lost 5 cows in September as a result. In December he sells 10 cows to another farmer, and the sale is unrelated to the hurricane in September. An entry for 10 cows is made in row and column for December 2005.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Part E
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Part F
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Supporting Documentation Adequate proof of the following must be provided at time of application: Adequate proof of the following must be provided at time of application: Dairy herd inventories Commercially marketed production Dumped production not marketed Dairy cows added to offset losses.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Acceptable Documentation Inventory records Sales receipts/invoices State health certificates Milk marekting statements Tank records Milk handler records Daily milk marketings Copies of payments received for loss
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Acting on Application If any data on FSA-747 or supporting documents is questionable, COC shall request additional documentation/evidence from applicant or other sources.
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Reviewing Documentation Make a copy, date stamp copy, return originals Verify marketings are for applicable base and claim period Determine if herd inventory is substantiated Verify cow additions to herd Confirm production losses are reasonable and disaster related Determine losses or cow purchases unrelated to declared disaster
Module 2 - Applying for DDAP-III Benefits Discrepancies COC DETERMINATION ACTION Good Faith No further action necessary Misrepresentation, scheme, or device Dairy operation ineligible and must refund payment