AC301 Unit 11 Welcome to Intermediate Accounting II, AC301 Professor Joan Janowich Unit 1 Seminar
AC301 Unit 12 Text Title: Intermediate Accounting II, Author: Nikolai, Bazley, Jones Tech Problems – Contact info: – –AIM: joanjanow (sign up for AIM at –Office Hours: TH 1-2pm ET; 8-9pm ET When ing me, include course number & section (AC301-02)
AC301 Unit 13 Your Syllabus is the greatest tool for our class! Discussion Board Requirements Grade Point Distribution Late Policy Extenuating Circumstances Grading Scale Grading Rubrics
4 AssessmentsNumberPoints Each Total Points Discussions Seminar or Alternate Quiz Homework Projects Quizzes PD Activity130 Final Exam1105 Writing Assignment150 Total Points1000
AC301 Unit 15 Late Policy Located in Syllabus –Up to 1 week late 20% point reduction –1 to 2 weeks late 30% deduction in points –No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. Extenuating Circumstances –Computer or Internet issues are NOT extenuating circumstances –I Do NOT accept late DBs –No late work accepted after end of Unit 9
AC301 Unit 16 Quizzes– ONE SHOT ONLY! Quizzes can only be taken ONE time! You will view your grade & correct answers in gradebook IMMEDIATELY!!! Allocate plenty of TIME to study for each quiz You will have 1 hour to take the weekly Quiz Pool of questions is used
AC301 Unit 17 Final Exam Worth 105 points 35 questions, 3 points each Questions come from Quiz Pools Can only be taken ONE time! Allocate plenty of TIME to study for Final You will have 2 hours to take the Final Exam
Graded Seminars Seminar attendance with participation worth up to 15 points Alternate seminar quiz is separate from regular weekly Quiz, worth up to 15 points Alternate seminar quiz Units 2-9 are based on an accounting problem, 5 questions on one problem completion One Hour to Complete, One time access AC301 Unit 18
9 Homework Projects Due last day Units 2 through 9 Worth 50 points each; Submit to dropbox Graded within 1 week of due date (if submitted on time), sooner if I can Templates in Doc Sharing PowerPoint for templates in Doc Sharing Naming convention for Homework Projects: yourname_AC301_unit#.
Purpose of Templates Aid in completing homework in a timely manner. Comprehension of material is better when using templates as they are interactive. The format is in place allowing you to focus on solving the problem. The templates will “guide” you through the assignment. AC301 Unit 110
Template Layout Lets take a look at the layout of the Excel template. Notice the multiple tabs at the bottom of the Excel Template. There are two for each exercise/problem: –One contains the problem data from the book which uses “Data” in the name of the tab. –Second contains only the exercise/problem number. This is where you will be typing in all of your answers.
Template Layout
Data tab –Area is indicated by a blue color. –Contains the exercise/problem data that you need to complete the homework. –Outlines the Required part of each problem (this will appear on the exercise/problem tab as well).
Template Layout
Layout of the Template Exercise/Problem tab –Has the required parts listed which are the same as the Data tab to help you identify which part is which. –This is the “working” tab where you will be placing all of your answers to each required part. Indicated with a “green” box. Allows you to enter data. –Also in the tan shaded areas you will find account titles, formulas, and other useful items to assist you in completing the problem.
Template Layout
Exercise/Problem tab –Some green shaded cells have a red box in them which indicates a comment. If you mouse over red part the comment will appear. These may give you hints and instructions on what to do with the problem or cell.
Template Layout
Completing the Template Entering data into the problem. –A red asterisk will appear for incorrect answers after you type in your initial answer (or select using the drop-down menu provided). It will look like * next to each green cell. Formulas –You may use formulas, however, they don’t automatically round for you even though the cell is pre-formatted and appears to be already rounded. –You will have to type in the number manually in order to get ride of the red asterisk when there are rounding issues. Before submission make sure all red asterisks are resolved. If there is a red asterisk, this indicates the answer is incorrect.
Completing the Template
AC301 Unit 122 Course Home….Read Syllabus & Announcements Minimum 3 each Week
AC301 Unit 123 Course Home, Atomic Learning, Login, select application….
AC301 Unit 124 Textbook Learning Tools Click main unit tab, Reading Icon, Web Resources
AC301 Unit 125 Choose a Chapter
AC301 Unit 126 Key Terms
AC301 Unit 127
AC301 Unit 128
AC301 Unit 129 Writing Assignment Worth 50 points Introduced in Unit 9 IMPORTANT: Submit early to see your grade….not accepted after week ends Submit to Dropbox
AC301 Unit 130 Questions?