Transportation, Technology, Infrastructure Committee February 2016 HOUSTON IT SERVICES (HITS) TINA CARKHUFF, INTERIM DIRECTOR/CIO
Agenda ◦Upcoming Council Agenda Items ◦AT&T Systems Updates ◦Private Analog Services/311 Services ◦Plexar Services ◦Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)/AT&T ◦Infor ◦Department of Neighborhoods Update
AT&T Private Analog Services This agreement covers private analog services and 311 services in the total amount of $6,000,000 and is revolved out through Central Services Chargeback Fund (1002). Requested spending authority is expected to sustain departments through June 30, This is a sole source, private network. Services are provided as general exchange tariffed services. AT&T maintains exclusivity based on ◦Their standing as a Local Exchange Carrier in Houston, TX, ◦Product ownership/naming rights, and ◦Legacy permission by the Texas Public Utilities Commission. (PUC)
AT&T Private Analog Services No other telephone provider can provide this specialty service in this area. Services included under this request are ◦Point to point, private analog lines or multi-point circuits (fax and modem lines) dedicated to monitoring remote systems and facilities. ◦311 service allows all greater Houston residents to dial a three digit code and have that call sent to our 311 call center. Private Analog Line Services are covered by AT&T under Private Network Service Tariff § Services are covered by AT&T under General Exchange Tariff § 47 This Recommendation for Council Action (RCA) is made pursuant to Chapter 252, Section (a) (7) (A) of Texas Local Government Code for exempt procurements.
AT&T Plexar Services This agreement covers central office based business communication system services or Plexar services in the total amount of $1,600,000 and is revolved out through Central Services Chargeback Fund (1002). Requested spending authority is expected to sustain departments through June 30, This is a sole source, private network. Services are provided as general exchange tariffed services. AT&T maintains exclusivity based on ◦Their standing as a Local Exchange Carrier in Houston, TX, ◦Product ownership/naming rights, and ◦Legacy permission by the Texas Public Utilities Commission. (PUC)
AT&T Plexar Services No other telephone provider can provide this specialty service in this area. Services included under this request are ◦Plexar lines to mimic a full-service telecommunications system for the City where a full phone system installation is not feasible from a cost perspective. ◦Plexar service is housed in AT&T’s central office but to users, there is continuity of features compatible with most existing phone sets to include ◦Voic ◦Call Forwarding ◦Call Hold ◦Caller ID Plexar services are covered by AT&T under Private Network Service Tariff § 5 This Recommendation for Council Action (RCA) is made pursuant to Chapter 252, Section (a) (7) (A) of Texas Local Government Code for exempt procurements.
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)/AT&T This agreement covers multiple services in the total amount of $12,800,000 and is revolved out through Central Services Chargeback Fund (1002). Requested spending authority is expected to sustain departments through June 30, Services included under this request are ◦Opt-E-Man data circuits ◦ Direct Inward Dial (DID) trunks ◦T1 circuits for voice and data ◦Primary Rate Interface ciruicts ◦Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) circuits ◦Radio Digital Circuits Some of the services under this agreement are sole-source and some are able to be procured through other vendors.
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)/AT&T All of the services under this purchasing agreement have been installed for 10+ years. DIR pricing for services have shown to be competitive amongst vendors. HITS has completed RFPs for some services under this agreement. When formal RFPs are not completed, HITS evaluates pricing through DIR for services that may be able to be provided by other vendors. Previous pricing exercises have shown that moving to another provider will incur either installation or special construction costs, which are significant even when the monthly price may be slightly lower. Moving to another provider will entail significant work from HITS for install, disruption to service and additional workload on Accounts Payable for processing payments.
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)/AT&T The contract authority for this purchase is provided by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, Inter-local Cooperation Act as applicable and Title 10, Subtitle D, Chapter 2170, Telecommunication Services. Participation in the State programs has enabled the City to take advantage of the volume discounts extended to the State. A waiver for M/WBE Zero-Percent Goal will be attached to the Request for Council Action.
Enable all field inspectors to access important system information from the field Provide access roles and permissions for all users to ensure accountability Integrate with 311, printing, and SharePoint Improve efficiency, effectiveness by expediting internal processes and communication within DON, (and later, between other City departments) The project commenced on August 23, 2015 and was moved into production on January 19, To date, more than 70 inspectors and DoN personnel have been trained and introduced to the system. Training is happening on a continuous basis. Project is currently in a healthy monitoring state. DON – Infor Deployment Project Goals/Objectives/Metrics