Indirect Services Direct Services Talent Development Department 1
Lessons and activities prepared by the Talent Development Teacher in collaboration with the Classroom Teacher. The lessons and activities are used by the classroom teacher in the regular classroom. Talent Development Department 2
Tier Three Math Sheets Mini-Projects Novel Contracts Modified homework Curriculum compacting Talent Development Department 3
Lessons for gifted learners that are the sole responsibility of the Talent Development Teacher. They are developed and taught to gifted learners by the Talent Development Teacher. Talent Development Department 4
Demonstration Lessons Small group instruction Pull out for set period of time Activities related to classroom instruction Talent Development Department 5
60-70% Indirect Services 30-40% Direct Services Talent Development Department 6
Flexible in-class cluster grouping for Workshop and Math based on teacher created pre-tests and Teacher College data. Weekly Collaborative Planning between classroom teachers and TD teachers Direct services 1 x per week in reading and math Talent Development Department 7
8 Contact Information for TD Teachers (Mon-Fri) (Mon-Wed) School Phone: Websites: (updated monthly)