M B T Making Maths Count An LA approach to raising standards in mathematics at KS4 in Bedfordshire
M B T Agenda 1:50Introduction – the aims of the project 2:00 World Cafe – Networked Learning Community 2:20Case Study –what Bedfordshire do to raise standards at KS4? 3:00 Break 3:20Sharing resources 3:40What next? 4:00 Close
M B T ‘working smarter together, not harder alone’
M B T The Big Idea To find a way for teachers to use AfL (student involvement in question level analysis) to develop a ‘needs driven’ curriculum for D/C borderline students in Y11.
M B T Network Collaborative Action Enquiry Needs Driven Curriculum Underwriting Risk
M B T Networked Learning Community Networked Learning Community
M B T The Network ‘I have been to many courses where I have exchanged ideas informally with staff from other schools, and have thought that this was the most constructive part of the course. But this is the first time where so much of the day has been devoted to sharing practice with colleagues.’ (Subject Leader)
M B T Learning networks ‘…Mathematics learning networks provide a potentially valuable counterpoint to top-down models of change, whereby teachers are given opportunities for professional learning and development from the inside out, rather than the outside in.’ Anne Watson Learning with insiders: complex professional development (NCSL 2005)
M B T What the teachers said Networked Learning Community 5
M B T The Process Motivated Teachers Focussed Teaching Purposeful Learning Motivated Learners Toolkit Feedback Common Agenda 5A*-C (En+Ma)
M B T What the teachers said Risk taking 4
M B T D studentC student
M B T MMC Toolkit The Maths Team created a toolkit: –a list of the key areas of understanding required to achieve each grade at GCSE –a diagnostic spreadsheet tool designed to identify areas needing further development at whole-class, small group and individual student leveldiagnostic spreadsheet tool –a year’s subscription to the mymaths website
M B T To make it happen The Maths Team: - facilitated 5 free meetings in a year - invited 2 teachers from each upper & special school - provided consultant support for every school and funding towards supply cover
M B T What the teachers said Change in Practice
M B T What changed Their attitude and approach to… – students – planning – teaching styles – sharing and collaboration – consultancy
M B T What Next Website NCETM