BECOMING A LEARNING SCHOOL A JOURNEY through the Catalyst School Process
Creating a Collaborative Culture is a journey...
I will reflect on the Catalyst School process and gain resources in order to develop the delivery of an “elevator” speech” for all stakeholders
Seven Standards of a Learning School Learning Communities Resources Learning Designs Leadership Data Implementation Outcomes Where are you in your understanding?
Catalyst Schools: WV turns the heat up on Professional Learning The West Virginia State Board of Education (WVSBOE) recognized that a one-size-fits all approach to professional development no longer met the needs of all educators. For too long, professional development has been outside in, driven by external forces seldom addressing the unique needs of a school. RESA 3, with the support from the WVSBOE and partnering with Learning Forward, initiated a shift from traditional professional development to a collaborative professional learning environment. This fosters an inside-out approach driven by educator needs.
CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Where are you currently in your learning school journey? (be descriptive) Where are you headed? What steps are necessary to get there? What help do you need to get to your destination?
Action Research PLAN DO STUDY ACT
Formative Assessment Walkthrough Micro View- does the feedback have all the necessary features that research has found to be in effective feedbback? Snapshot View- does the feedback give both the teacher and the observer a snapshot of current learning status? Does each person view the conversation as a learning episode? Long view of Learning- Does the feedback contain information about next steps in learning? Did the conversation bring about improvement in educational practice and student learning?
Innovation Configuration Maps Describes variations of best practices in a learning school along a continuum that describes the progressions schools make over time along the road to become a learning school Can be used as A Planning Tool An Assessment Tool Keeps you grounded in the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning which the WV State Board of Education has adopted
Professional Learning Video Resources Learning among teachers- use instructional expertise to address teachers’ needs. Helping leaders/administrators find teaching moments in their day. Learning Forward—A Powerful new definition of Professional Development Collaboration- Formative Assessment
Professional Learning Tools Global community dedicated to- Learning, Teaching, Leading. Closing the Gap, Differentiation Instruction, Instructional Strategies, and ELA Shifts. Focuses on the teacher as a learner, as well as the student as a learner. Universal Design for Learning
What’s your catalyst pitch??