Creating Global Information Commons for Science Presentation at the EUROCRIS meeting September 2006, Brussels by Jean-Jacques Royer CODATA Treasurer Nancy, France I.N.P.L./C.R.P.G./E.N.S.G., Phone: 33 (0) Fax : 33 (0)
The Way foreward The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society through improved scientific and technical data. CODATA is committed to the principle of universal and equitable access to high quality scientific data and information and works to facilitate a coordinated global approach to scientific data and information consistent with this principle
The Way foreward (2) Past Codata Scientific agenda: Disciplinary or cross-disciplinary activities focused on specific scientific topics or problems, such as developing taxonomies, integrating disparate sources of data, and applying new data methods or technologies; and Data policy initiatives related to open access, data restrictions, and the role of data in the information society.
Codata Strategic Plan Full and equitable access to scientific data; Monitoring and development of intellectual property rights to scientific data; Long-term preservation of, and access to, scientific data; Interoperability and data storage/exchange standards; Data quality, validation and authentication; and Capacity building, especially in the developing world.
Codata Strategic Plan The role of new technology in data science and education; The transformation of scientific data into knowledge; Professional data management/professional development issues; and Public education and awareness.
Codata proposal for euroCRIS Global Science Initiative Commons Project common European project Codata can offer euCRIS, CRIS community an international tribune to: Identify network of expertices Promote their project in other countries than Europe Promote CRIS to sit at International organizations in order to represent the voice of Europe To promote CERIF concept To make CRIS and its members participate to the GICSI project
Creating Global Information Commons for Public Science The objectives of GICSI are to: (1) Improve understanding and increase awareness of the societal and economic benefits of easy access to and use of scientific data and information, particularly those resulting from publicly funded research activities; (2) Identify and promote the broad adoption of successful institutional and legal models for providing open availability on a sustainable basis and facilitating reuse of scientific data and information; and (3) Encourage and coordinate the efforts of the many stakeholders in the world’s diverse scientific community who are engaged in devising and implementing effective means to achieve these objectives, with particular attention to developing countries. All three objectives will be promoted through the construction of an online “open access knowledge environment”