HENREY VIIII By Alexandra and Ben
Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon married Henry after his brother died. They were very happy but Henry wanted a son to be King after him. Catherine had lots of children but they all died. Only a daughter called Mary lived. Then Henry wanted a divorce and marry Anne Boleyn. So he sent a letter to Catherine. It said I want a divorce because you can not have any more babies and you keep having girls. I need a son to be King after me.
Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn married Henry and then she gave birth to a girl Elisabeth and Henry was not pleased at all so she was pregnant and she had a miss carriage and Henry decide to chop off her head.
Catherin Howard Catherin Howard was so popular and Henry was so jealous and he wanted her head chopped off so he did.
Anne of Cleaves Henry the viii though she was pretty on the picture that was sent to him but when she came to him he thought that looked like a back end of a horse. He divorced her and sent her home.