Millennium Development Goals Iran & Guatemala
1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Decrease the number of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day by half. Women and young people obtaining quality employment. Halve the number of people who suffer from hunger.
Guatemala Population below international Poverty line is 13.5% In 2005 the percentage of those living in poverty rose higher than it had been in It went all the way up to 21.5%. Unemployment rate. Actual: 3% Previous 3.19% Lowest 2.47% Underweight prevalence in Children under five. 20.8% Although Guatemala is very close to reaching this goal. I do not believe that they will obtain it. By looking at the data of those below the poverty line there is too much up and down change. In order to actually resolve the problem it needs to have a steady decrease. The unemployment rate has only dropped by.19% I see it hard for them to get it too much lower than where it already is.
Iran Population below international Poverty line is 1.5% Unemployment rate: Actual 10.70% Previous 10.50% Highest 14.70% Lowest 9.50% Underweight prevalence in Children under five. 4.77% They have already reached this goal. Iran has already decreased the number of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day by half. Although Iran has reached this goal, they haven’t and probably won’t reach their goal to halve the proportion of the undernourished population.
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education All children will be able to receive primary education
Guatemala Primary School net enrolment ratio for males is 98.6%. And for females it is at 97.5% Survival rate to last Primary Grade is 68% Youth males literacy rate. 89.3% Youth Female literacy rate. 85.6% They have already met this goal. All are able to receive a primary education. However, the fact is not many actually do so. I feel that the paradigm of not attending school. Still needs to be changed. And this will not happen by 2015.
Iran Primary school participation, Net attendance 96.4% Primary school participation, survival rate to last primary grade. 98.1% Youth male literacy rate. 98.8% Youth female literacy rate. 98.5% Iran has already reached the goal of achieving universal primary education. They are actually well above the required achievement and are still continuing to progress.
3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women Eliminate the barrier for women to receive an education. Equal job opportunities for women Female literacy Positions in parliament
Guatemala Enrolment in primary school as a percent to males. 96.3% Enrolment in Secondary School as a percent to males 92.2% Survival rate to the last grade of primary: 99.8% Seats held by women in National Parliament. 13 Adult literacy rate, Females as a percent of Males. 87.6% This goal has been met. The amount of females enrolled in school is very high. And the number of women in parliament has grown from 3 – 13. And the literacy rate is nearly equal to the males.
Iran Enrolment in primary school as a percent to males. 98.8% Enrolment in Secondary School as a percent to males 95.9% Survival rate to the last grade of primary: 99.5% Seats held by women in National Parliament. 3 Adult literacy rate, Females as a percent of Males. 90.3% Iran is well on their way to achieving gender parity in schooling. They are right on track with the ratio of girls and boys in school. All of the statistics between males and females are now very close to being equal.
4. Reduce Child Mortality Reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate.
Guatemala Under-five mortality rate - Probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live births. Under 5 Mortality rate in 1970 was 173. Under 5 Mortality rate in 2012 was 32. The annual rate of reduction from was 4.2% This has been met. The under five mortality rate in 1990 was 80. And as of 2012 it had dropped to 32. Already having cut the percentage by half.
Iran Under-five mortality rate - Probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live births. Under 5 Mortality rate in 1970 was 226. Under 5 Mortality rate in 2012 was 18. The annual rate of reduction from was 5.3% The goal has been met. The under-five mortality rate in Iran has gone down significantly just in the past 20 years and it is continuing to drop at a rapid pace.
5. Improve Maternal Health Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio. Achieve universal access to reproductive health. Women receiving necessary vitamins and medication. Women receiving the necessary treatment during her pregnancy and after pregnancy
Guatemala Contraceptive prevalence 54.1% Antenatal care, at least 1 visit. 93.2% Delivery care. 51.5% Maternal mortality ratio 140. Although Guatemala has greatly improved in this aspect of health care. I feel as though a great amount of the indigenous women are not receiving the care needed. Only 51.5% are receiving delivery care. That is not enough and I do not believe that they will reach the goal in time.
Iran Contraceptive prevalence 77.4% Antenatal care, at least 1 visit. 96.9% Delivery care. 96.4% Maternal mortality ratio The goal for maternal health hasn’t been reached yet, but it will definitely be reached by It is almost exactly on line with the required achievement to reduce maternal mortality by three- quarters.
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases Stop and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS Universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS Stop reverse malaria and other diseases
Guatemala Adult HIV prevalence.7% People of all ages living with HIV 58,000. Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV, Rural. 14.3% Prevention among young people. 27.3% Pneumonia 64.3% Routine EPI vaccines financed by government 100% Incidence of tuberculosis 60/100,000 The adult prevalence in only.7% I feel that they could get to the point of stopping HIV/AIDS by the end of However, I do not think they will be to the point of reversing AIDS. They are however doing very well at preventing other diseases.
Iran Adult HIV prevalence.2% People of all ages living with HIV 71,000. Prevention among young people. <0.1% Pneumonia 75.9% Routine EPI vaccines financed by government 100% Incidence of tuberculosis 21/100,000 This goal is the only other one that will most likely not be reached by The goal to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS is actually getting significantly worse. The prevalence rate has consistently been going up over the past 20 years.
7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability Implementing ways to utilize countries resources without causing irreversible damage. Reduce biodiversity loss. Increase by 50% the population with sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Improve the lives of at least 100 million people who live in slums.
Guatemala Use of improved drinking water sources total. 93.8% Use of improved drinking water sources, Rural. 88.6% Improved sanitation facilities total. 80.2% Use of improved sanitation facilities, Rural. 72.1% Carbon dioxide emissions Guatemala. 78 Metric tons Energy use Guatemala kg of oil equivalent Guatemala will reach this goal. As seen in the top left picture many homes have a filtration system like the ones shown. This is helping the families greatly. As far as the sanitation facilities 80.2% are using improved sanitation already.
Iran Use of improved drinking water sources total. 95.3% Use of improved drinking water sources, Rural. 90.3% Improved sanitation facilities total. 99.6% Use of improved sanitation facilities, Rural. 98.7% Carbon dioxide emissions Iran 7.68 Metric tons. Energy use Iran 2, kg of oil equivalent. Iran will reach this goal. There have been improvements especially in increased access to urban water supply. Sanitation in rural areas is still a challenge for Iran but they are definitely improving in this area.
8. Develop a global partnership for development Develop and organize non-discriminatory trading and financial system Focus on the immediate needs of the least developed countries Aid landlocked developing countries and small island developing states Address debt problems of developing countries Provide essential drugs at an affordable price in developing countries through working with pharmaceutical companies Make modern technologies accessible in specific information and communication
Guatemala International Trade. National debt Billion Foreign Trade Indicators Imports of Goods (million USD) 11,53113,83816,61316,99417,510 Exports of Goods (million USD) 7,2148,46310,4019,98310,162 Imports of Services (million USD) 2,0582,3622,3672,3582,498 Exports of Services (million USD) 1,8182,1922,1522,2532,355
Iran International Trade. National debt 7.2 Billion Foreign Trade Indicators Imports of Goods (million USD) 50,46965,40461,76057,09249,000 Exports of Goods (million USD) 78,830101,316130,500104,00082,000 Imports of Services (millio n USD) 17,38018,15316,3476,512- Exports of Services (millio n USD) 7,4708,6578,3966,512-
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