Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study WELCOME! Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting October 22, 2003
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN 30,000 AND 50,000 FEET IN THE PADDLE All non-residential uses (except elementary and secondary schools, day care facilities, hospitals, and uses involving significant quantities of flammable materials) would be considered compatible; residential uses (including extended care facilities and nursing homes) would not be considered compatible.All non-residential uses (except elementary and secondary schools, day care facilities, hospitals, and uses involving significant quantities of flammable materials) would be considered compatible; residential uses (including extended care facilities and nursing homes) would not be considered compatible. Maximum building coverage (building footprint) would be 40% of gross site area for industrial, wholesaling and manufacturing uses, and 20% of gross site area for other non-residential uses.Maximum building coverage (building footprint) would be 40% of gross site area for industrial, wholesaling and manufacturing uses, and 20% of gross site area for other non-residential uses. Minimum lot area would be 5 acres.Minimum lot area would be 5 acres.
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study CRITERIA FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN 65 AND 70 db ldn All non-residential uses (except schools, hospitals and places of outdoor public assembly) would be compatible in the ldn zone provided that noise attenuation is provided to reduce the indoor noise.All non-residential uses (except schools, hospitals and places of outdoor public assembly) would be compatible in the ldn zone provided that noise attenuation is provided to reduce the indoor noise.
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study POTENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES Land acquisition; Land acquisition; Land trades; Land trades; Transfer and/or purchase of development rights; Transfer and/or purchase of development rights; Conservation easements; and Conservation easements; and Noise reduction retrofit program for existing residences and businesses. Noise reduction retrofit program for existing residences and businesses.
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NEXT STEPS Prepare Draft Report PAC/Public Review of Draft Report Prepare Final Report Presentation of Final Report