1 Ernst-Detlef Schulze Annette Freibauer Welcome to the Third CarboEurope Meeting!
2 Welcome to the Advisory Board Scott Denning, Roger Francey, Neil Turner (Dennis Baldocchi, Jim Penman, Torbjörn Larsson) Welcome to our EU-officer Giovanni Angeletti Welcome to our guest Robert Grant, Fluxnet Canada
3 Tasks for the meeting Agree on Workprogramme and budget Assess past research Component meetings: think about future work Scrutinice the research design In-between: your ideas! –for better communication –for integrated work and papers –for the future of CarboEurope (FP7)
4 Component meetings Summary of achievements for annual report Most important achievements for executive summary Agreed update of workplan and draft budget for months Expected integrated papers Ideas for more intensive collaboration with other Components Election of representative (next 2-years phase) for Advisory Board
5 Call for integrated papers Financial support –workshops for co-author meetings –short-term visits to other CarboEurope laboratories for data gathering and integration Application –submission of short outlines of goals, methods, time frame and participants to the office –approval by Executive Board –funding normally below 5000 Euro –approximately 5 grants per year –first deadline: 31 Dec. 2005, repeated in 2006 and 2007
6 The CarboEurope office team -Annette Freibauer: overview, strategic decisions, workplan, policy relations -Angelika Thuille: day-to-day management, annual report, meetings -Yvonne Hofmann: secretary, webpage -(Hendrik Tilger: IT support)
7 Enjoy the science! Feel CarboEurope!