Science Friday, December 4 th, 2015
WARM UP – grab your chromebook Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk Complete Friday’s warm up now Turn in your Ed Helper Homework in the wire basket on the front table (except 4 th ) YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS
NC Ed Cloud This is for any student who did not complete this yet in another class Claiming your account Login to the following address:
Today’s agenda Complete reading and question activity from yesterday (UV exposure and skin cancer) Review Skin Cancer article / questions Radiometer Experiment Web Quest activity – focus on either the infrared region, visible light region or UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum
Independent Work You will work on a chromebook for 20 minutes to complete yesterday’s activity related to the Ozone Layer, UV radiation and skin cancer This was the reading and the questions
Review Skin Cancer reading …. Let’s review these questions together now….
What is a radiometer Read page EN 21 (top paragraph only)
What is a radiometer? Draw this picture now! Pay close attention to the color of the flags inside the radiometer
Radiometer Experiment – draw this table Conditions A dark classroom Outside in the shade Outside in the sun observationsCauses
Radiometer Observations Handout You will now see 3 different demonstrations We will have to walk outside to complete 2 of the observations You will need to take your notebook and a pencil with you Does anyone have any questions?
Radiometer Observations let’s review Observations Sitting on the cart, the flags did not move Sitting in the shade, the flags spun slowly Outside in the sun, the flags spun very fast
How does it do that? Let’s Read page EN 24 together now
What caused the flags to start spinning? Think about the colors of the flags… Black absorbs energy White reflect energy This causes the air inside the radiometer to heat up differently. This causes the air inside to start moving. This moving air causes the flags to spin!
Radiometer Observations Handout Causes There was no radiant energy in our classroom There was only indirect radiant energy the shade There was direct radiant energy on the radiometer
Radiometer Observations Questions Copy each question and answer silently in your notebook: 1. What happened to the flags outside in the sun? They started to spin very fast 1. What might the movement of the flags be an indicator of? Radiant energy
Radiometer Observations Questions 4. What can we infer from our observation? The radiometer transfers radiant energy into kinetic energy which makes the flags inside spin Glue this into your notebook now
Let’s Analyze the Data Turn to page EN 23 – Answer only Question 1 at the bottom of the page You and your table partner may work together EVERYONE MUST WRITE THE QUESTION AND ANSWER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK 3 minutes
Video about radiometer CsjdyJg
Web Quest Activity You will now focus on either the ….. Infrared region Visible light region Ultraviolet region (UV) You will use your chromebook to research your specific area of the spectrum and you will share your results together in class
Web Quest Activity You will receive your handout now Put your name on your paper Open up your chromebook and go to the teacher wiki page for today’s link You will have the rest of today’s class to conduct your research If you have trouble raise your hand and I will come around to assist you!