Links to show for Bivalvia burrowing clam filtering oyster oyster ecology oysters in NYC swimming scallop scallop escapehttp:// eating shipworms lake-users/ zebra mussels lake-users/ mussels-in-bc-a-short-document mussels-in-bc-a-short-document *make sure they get all video notes because it is info for test *put keys with extra notes on elmo to copy BEFORE showing any videos 1
Class Bivalvia Clams, Oysters, Shipworms, mussels, Scallops 2
Class Bivalvia Two shells Most are filter feeders No head or radula Burrow – Sand, wood, rocks 3
Bivalve Anatomy color and label on Mollusca Anatomy sheet *use key on elmo
Giant Clam & Burrowing Clam 6 Siphon khttp:// k burrowing clam Pismo clam
Giant Clam 7
Zebra Mussel Environmental Pest Ballast water of ships from Europe in 1986 Attack by secreting adhesive byssal threads – Each other – Other mussels – Man made objects Pipes, plumbing 8
Zebra Mussel Live in high densities Feed on phytoplankton Reproduce rapidly 9
Zebra Mussel Attach to native mussels Killed all native mussels in Lake Erie 10
Distribution of Zebra Mussel 11
ZEBRA MUSSEL INFESTATION regulations-will-impact-lake-users/ regulations-will-impact-lake-users/ threat-of-zebra-mussels-in-bc-a-short-document threat-of-zebra-mussels-in-bc-a-short-document 12
Oyster Ecology 13
Oysters in NYC 14 m/watch?v=IFnbnJ8kGQ Q
Oysters – The Ultimate Filters 15 yMpHsaQ
Scallops have fan shaped shell 16
Scallop Facts Unlike other bivalves like mussels and clams, most scallops are free-swimming. swimming scallop They swim by clapping their shells quickly, which moves a jet of water past the shell hinge, propelling the scallop forward Scallops have about 60 eyes that line its mantle. These eyes may be a brilliant blue color, and allow the scallop to detect light, dark and motion escaping seastarmantle 17
Shipworms not worms at all, but rather a group of unusual saltwater clams with long, soft, naked bodies they drill passages by means of a pair of very small shells borne at one end, with which they rasp their way through. Sometimes called "termites of the sea”clams 18 watch?v=AHc HNoOyv5I watch?v=AHc HNoOyv5I eating shipworms