Created and Presented by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC.


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Presentation transcript:

Created and Presented by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

The body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies Order Equality Justice Right of the minority to be heard Right of the majority to rule

“Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of liberty.” *Henry Martyn Robert*

Two main types: Regular Meeting Periodic business meeting Special Meeting Separate session held at a different time from that of the regular meeting. Convened only to consider certain, important matters between regular meetings that require urgent action.

Quorum of Members = Minimum number of members who must be present at the meetings for business to be legally transacted. This protects against unrepresentative action by a body Quorum is typically 50% plus one

Call to Order = The presiding officer formally opens the meeting The presiding officer says: “I call this meeting to order at ____ [time]” Once a meeting has been called to order, only those who get recognized by the chair are allowed to speak. Side conversations are not allowed!

Order of Business = The initial procedures of a meeting, usually in the form of an agenda or program. 1)Call to Order 2)Roll Call/Determination of Quorum 3)Reading and Approval of Minutes 4)Reports of Officers 5)Reports of Committees 6)Special Orders 7)Unfinished Business 8)New Business 9)Adjournment

Motion = A formal proposal by a member for the assembly to take certain action.

A: “I move that…” B: “I second it!” *If no one seconds the motion, the chair must be sure that all have heard it before moving on to other business. C: “Is there a second to the motion?” “Since there is no second, the motion is not before this meeting.”

Two main types: Placard Vote Secret Ballot For – Against - Abstain

Bring legislation to the floor Motion and Second To waive the reading Motion and Second Presentation Q&A Motion and Second (object) Discussion Voting

When an assembly wishes to do something that it cannot do without violating one or more of its regular rules, it can adopt a motion to Suspend the Rules. Only if the proposal is not in conflict with the organization’s bylaws and does not violate the basic right of an individual.

A short intermission in an assembly’s proceedings which does not close the meeting, and after which business will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted. May be taken to count ballots, to secure information, to allow for informal consultation, etc. “I move that the meeting recess until __”; “I move to recess for __”; “I move to recess until called to order by the chair” Must be seconded Is amendable as to the length of the recess Requires a majority vote Chair: “The meeting will come to order”

To close the meeting “I motion to adjourn the meeting” Must be seconded Must have a majority vote Chair: “If there is no objection, the meeting will now adjourn.” [Pause] “Since there is no objection, the meeting is adjourned.

Personal Privilege Personal rights of an individual. Order Used to call a violation of the rules to the chairperson. Inquiry Used to ask the chair how to go about doing something properly using Parliamentary Procedure. Clarification Used when a debater does not understand something and their argument is usually invalid.