TEALS December Meeting Kevin, Vichi, Brett
Topics for today TEALS program update. Classroom teacher handoff for 2 nd semester. Tips and tricks and things we have observed. Q&A.
TEALS program update School selection process for (Now to end of February). Target number of schools. Regions. Distance delivery Volunteer application process (Feb to May). Hour of Code coverage. Working on Intro and AP curated curriculum. Internal metrics for program improvement. Working to expand flipped classroom model.
Working with your classroom teacher For Intro partner classroom teachers Help in TAing during lab. Grade every other assignment. Do a lecture / demo once a week. For AP partner classroom teachers Help in TAing during lab. Leading peer grading once a week.
Tips and tricks PracticeIt really works! Notebooks and raffle too! Discuss approach before computer time. Swap drivers (especially for intro). Repeat! Cold calls. Lab meerkat. Have students explain to other students.
Q&A I have a couple of students who just won’t put in any effort into the class. I have English Language Learner students.