ALB Host Selection, Impacts, and Beetle Development Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
ALB Tree Host Selection Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
All Tree Borers are NOT Equal! Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Flatheaded Appletree Borer Painted Hickory Borer Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) Elm Bark Beetle
The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying TreesDead Trees Live and Healthy Trees Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Images and Graphics: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Live and Healthy Trees
Native Trees Images and Graphics: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Live and Healthy Trees What is a good indicator that native trees are sliding to the right on this Continuum?
Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying TreesDead Trees Live and Healthy Trees Native Trees Native Metallic Wood Borers Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles
Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Native Metallic Wood Borers The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Live and Healthy Trees Native Trees Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles
Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Native Metallic Wood Borers The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Live and Healthy Trees Native Trees Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles
Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Live and Healthy Trees Native Trees Native Metallic Wood Borers Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles Tree Health Management is Tree Borer Management! Our Native Tree Borers!
Live and Healthy Trees The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Our Native Tree Borers! Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Live but Stressed Trees Dying Trees Dead Trees Native Trees Native Metallic Wood Borers Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles Our Native Tree Borers! Asian Longhorned Beetle Emerald Ash Borer
Native Trees Live but Stressed Trees Dying TreesDead Trees Live and Healthy Trees The Tree Borer’s Tree Health Continuum The Tree Health Continuum Our Native Tree Borers! Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Native Metallic Wood Borers Native Bark Beetles Native Longhorned Beetles Our Native Tree Borers! Emerald Ash Borer Healthy Maples (and stressed maples) Asian Longhorned Beetle
What Does ALB Eat? Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Very Good Hosts All Maples (Acer spp.): – – Boxelder – – Norway – – Red – – Silver – – Sugar Horsechestnuts / Buckeyes (Aescelus spp.) Elms (Ulmus spp.) Willow (Salix spp.) Other Hosts Birch (Betula spp.) Sycamore / Planetree (Platanus spp.) Poplar (Populus spp.) Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) Ash (Fraxinus spp.) Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) Mountainash (Sorbus spp.) ALB Host Trees
Birch (Betula spp.) Sycamore / Planetree (Platanus spp.) Poplar (Populus spp.) Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) Ash (Fraxinus spp.) Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) Mountainash (Sorbus spp.) Very Good Hosts All Maples (Acer spp.): – – Boxelder – – Norway – – Red – – Silver – – Sugar Horsechestnuts / Buckeyes (Aescelus spp.) Elms (Ulmus spp.) Willow (Salix spp.) Other Hosts ALB Host Trees Referred to as “High Risk Trees” in ALB Eradication Programs 12 Genera!
Diversity Dilemma: Street Tree Diversity in Eastern North America Percent of Total Trees Emerald Ash Borer Asian Longhorned Beetle Genera Images and Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Beetle Development Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Complete Metamorphosis
Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar (Larva) Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis (Pupa) Monarch Butterfly (Adult) Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Complete Metamorphosis
ALB: Complete Metamorphosis ALB Male and Female ALB Female Chewing Oviposition Pit ALB Oviposition Pit ALB Egg Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
ALB: Complete Metamorphosis ALB Pupa ALB Last Instar Larva ALB Larval Feeding Damage ALB 1 st Instar Larva Images: ALB egg, larval damage, and late instar larva: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University ALB pupa: Dave Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University
ALB: Complete Metamorphosis ALB Male Emergence Hole ALB Emergence Hole "Pencil Test" ALB Adult Female ALB Egg Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Eggs to Adults Typically Takes 1 Year = 1 Generation per Year ALB Pupa ALB Last Instar Larva ALB Egg ALB Adult Female Images: ALB egg, last instar larva, and adult; Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University ALB pupa: Dave Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University
All Stages, EXCEPT Adults, Can Be Found Outdoors in the Winter ALB Pupa ALB Last Instar Larva ALB Egg ALB Adult Female Images: ALB egg, last instar larva, and adult; Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University ALB pupa: Dave Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Adults Die With the First Substantial Frost
Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University
Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University References Nowak, D. J., J. E. Pasek, R. A. Sequeira, D. E. Crane, and V. C. Mastro Potential effect of Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on urban trees in the United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 116–122. Nowak, D. J., J. E. Pasek, R. A. Sequeira, D. E. Crane, and V. C. Mastro Potential effect of Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on urban trees in the United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 116–122. Raupp, M.J., A.B. Cumming, and E.C. Raupp Street Tree Diversity in Eastern North America and Its Potential for Tree Loss to Exotic Borers. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (6): 297–304. Raupp, M.J., A.B. Cumming, and E.C. Raupp Street Tree Diversity in Eastern North America and Its Potential for Tree Loss to Exotic Borers. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (6): 297–304. Sawyer, A.J Annotated Host List for the Asian Longhorned Beetle. Feb. 22, (Updated by Baode Wang January 2015). /downloads/hostlist.pdf Sawyer, A.J Annotated Host List for the Asian Longhorned Beetle. Feb. 22, (Updated by Baode Wang January 2015). /downloads/hostlist.pdf USDA APHIS Asian Longhorned Beetle Website: USDA APHIS Asian Longhorned Beetle Website:
Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Authors Joe Boggs, corresponding author: Joe Boggs, corresponding author: Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Amy Stone Amy Stone Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Nancy J. Taylor Nancy J. Taylor Program Director, C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Ohio State University Dr. Amanda Hodges Dr. Amanda Hodges Director, Doctor of Plant Medicine, University of Florida
Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Reviewers Dr. Trevor Smith, Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Trevor Smith, Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Greg Hodges, Assistant Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Greg Hodges, Assistant Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Dan Herms, Professor, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Dr. Dan Herms, Professor, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Rachel McCarthy, NPDN Training and Education Coordinator, Cornell University Rachel McCarthy, NPDN Training and Education Coordinator, Cornell University Rhonda Santos, APHIS Public Information Officer, USDA Rhonda Santos, APHIS Public Information Officer, USDA Dr. Jiri Hulcr, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida Dr. Jiri Hulcr, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida Dan Kenny, State Plant Regulatory Official, Ohio Department of Agriculture Dan Kenny, State Plant Regulatory Official, Ohio Department of Agriculture John Burch, State Plant Health Director, USDA-APHIS-PPQ John Burch, State Plant Health Director, USDA-APHIS-PPQ Catherine Marzolf, Asst. State Plant Health Director, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Catherine Marzolf, Asst. State Plant Health Director, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Acknowledgements Funded by the 2014 USDA Farm Bill, cooperative agreements; Asian Longhorned Beetle Detection Education-Training Green Industry Professionals as First Detectors Asian Longhorned Beetle Detection Education-Training Green Industry Professionals as First Detectors Derived from the product of 2013 USDA Farm Bill cooperative agreement Derived from the product of 2013 USDA Farm Bill cooperative agreement Developing and Teaching Standardized Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) Early Detection Certification Training Programs The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable input from the project’s reviewers.
Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Publication Details This publication can be used for non-profit educational purposes only. This publication can be used for non-profit educational purposes only. Photographs, graphics, and other images contained in this publication are copyrighted as cited. Photographs, graphics, and other images contained in this publication are copyrighted as cited. Use of photographs and graphics for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the original source as cited. Use of photographs and graphics for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the original source as cited. Use of all other content for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the authors. All approved usages must include the proper citation of this publication's authors and the website. Use of all other content for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the authors. All approved usages must include the proper citation of this publication's authors and the website. Publication Date: January, 2016