The Global Positioning System & Google Earth
Where is 5 ft from this wall?
Click on the Google Earth Icon on the Computer Desktop Google Earth is a Geobrowser meaning it allows us to browse the Earth online.
Tool Bar at the Top
Places Layers
Let’s Explore: “Fly to” Type the address at the bottom of the page in the “Fly to” box 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, COLafayette, CO655 Sir Galahad Drive, Lafayette, COYour Home Address!
Latitude and Longitude
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 45 N 70 W
In the “Fly to” box type in: 90 N 0 W
Christmas Island, Kiribati MOVIE OR PHOTO Here are scientists doing science and studying the natural world – coral reefs! Science IS a PROCESS, not just knowledge.
“Where are you?” Game 1.) What state? 40 N 75 W 2.) Where? N W 3. Where? N W New Jersey
Thanks for joining us to learn about science and our Earth!