NVAC Influenza Working Group: Preliminary Report Charles Helms, M.D., Ph.D. June 1, 2004
NVAC Agenda - February, 2004 Influenza : Review and Lessons Learned for the Next Year and the Future The Current Season Vaccine Strain Selection Process and Regulatory Issues Public Perceptions Perspectives of Influenza Vaccine Manufacturers Public Sector Roles in Adult and Childhood Influenza Vaccination CMS Company perspectives Health Plans and Insurers Vaccine Research – NIH Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
The U.S.National Vaccine Plan Develop new and improved vaccines Ensure the optimal safety and effectiveness of vaccines and immunization Better educate the public and members of the health professions on the benefits and risks of immunizations Achieve better use of existing vaccines to prevent disease, disability, and death.
NVAC Influenza Vaccine WG Purpose: Evaluate strategies and capabilities to reduce the impact of influenza disease in the US and make recommendations on how to substantially improve prevention and reduce disease burden. A preliminary report will be presented at the June 2004 NVAC meeting. Purpose: Evaluate strategies and capabilities to reduce the impact of influenza disease in the US and make recommendations on how to substantially improve prevention and reduce disease burden. A preliminary report will be presented at the June 2004 NVAC meeting.
NVAC Influenza WG Subgroups Influenza Vaccine Research, Development and Production: A. Arvin, Chair Influenza Vaccine Recommendations and Strategies: J. Klein, Chair Influenza Vaccine Delivery, Financing, and Demand: F. Guerra, Chair
Efforts to Date WG and SG conference calls: discussion and coordination Influenza Summit (Atlanta) Discussions with industry Preliminary report to NVAC on June 1
Next Steps WG and SG telephone conference calls – June - August Prepare draft report – September Present draft at NVAC meeting – October