Being a leader starts out with how you were born and raised as a child. If you are a leader, it doesn’t just assume you’re a dominant leader, but you tend to start new trends and ideas.
In order to be a successful leader you must be confident in yourself. Low self esteem will point out easy weaknesses. With confidence, others will want to have a positive attitude like you.
Another thing to be a successful leader is to dedicate worthy time to what you want. Being a leader won’t happen over night; therefore, time and dedication will be a huge factor.
My future career is to major in business supply- chain management. Supply-chain management consists of creating supply chains that are as efficient and economical as possible. It is an upcoming career and 100% students get a job in that field at least 3 months prior to graduation.
Before I can be a leader, I must study business in college to pin point my future career. In a bigger picture, I may or may not be a supply-chain manager, but a business degree will guide me towards a related career. College will teach me how to be more independent and work on leadership qualities.
In order to prepare to be a leader, you have to let your characteristics play a role. The way you act when nobody is looking, difference from right and wrong, your core morals, honesty, being trustworthy, and many more. It takes a leader to pick and choose what is important to demonstrate that title.
In supply-chain management, it has it’s own program, so a degree is crucial in order to even have a job. In college, I plan on playing soccer for four years while getting a degree in business, so time management will play a huge role. Both of those components will benefit for me in the future as a leader in my career.
The leadership position I see myself in is a supply-chain employee for a certain company. This holds a high hope in leadership because most companies do not have a supply-chain representative, so I would be the leader for my job title. This career really interests me because I can find shortcuts and ways to be minimal in certain areas, which what this job is all about.
There are a lot of characteristics that make up a good leader. However, each leader holds their own characteristics that defines them as a leader. One of my characteristics is that I am a down to earth guy. If someone has something that is important than it is important to me as well. My parents emphasized to me at a young age to treat someone the way I would like to be treated.
I have a good attitude. A good attitude can impact someone's day because a simple smile can change someone's attitude as well. It takes a lot of things to make me angry, but if I am angry I don’t let it effect my priorities.
I have a hard working quality as well. I learned this from my father because he works hard to put food on the table. This is a good quality because I always work until I achieve what I want. If I set a goal I work until I achieve it because it keeps me motivated.
One of my weaknesses consist of procrastination. I tend to put things off until it is urgent to do them. In order to overcome procrastination I will do my best with college to study more, finish my work early, and make time for myself to have free time in between school, soccer, and social life.
Another weakness of mine is to be confident in myself. Throughout my life I have been the average type in a lot of areas. In soccer, I was always the average kid that never got credit for the success I brought to the team. In school, I never was a fast learning student, so it was a struggle to overcome a basic learning process. Lastly, growing up through all this just brings down my confidence in most situations, so when my confidence is built up I’m not surprised to get let down. So I need to work on my self-confidence.
I plan on making an impact in society one day, but I do not expect to be a superior leader. My leadership qualities will impact people around me like good karma. If I do something special for someone else I only hope the certain person does the same I did in return.