Some thing you should know How to change a fraction to a decimal
One quarter is 1 4 The numerator is divided by the denominator
How to change a fraction to a decimal One tenth is 1 10 The numerator is divided by the denominator
How to change a fraction to a decimal 23 hundredths is 23 100 The numerator is divided by the denominator
How to change a fraction to a decimal 7 hundredths is 7 100 The numerator is divided by the denominator
Remember some common equivalences = / 10 one tenth 3 / 10 = 0.3 three tenths 5 / 10 = 0.5 five tenths simplified to one half
Reminder – some fractions can be simplified = 0.2 1/51/5 Two tenths 3/53/5 = 0.6 six tenths Also one fifth also three fifths
Some common ones you should remember 1/31/3 one third 2/32/3 = 0.6 6… two thirds a recurring decimal = … another recurring decimal
To change from decimal to fractions You need to know the place values after the decimal point 1000’s100’s10’s1’s. 1 / 10 1 / / thousands placethousandths place hundreds placehundredths place Tens placetenths place
How to change a decimal to a fraction You need to recognise the place value after the decimal point 1’s. 1 / unitsdptenths
How to change a decimal to a fraction You need to recognise the place value after the decimal point 10’s1’s. 1 / 10 1 / always simplify if possible
How to change a decimal to a fraction You need to recognise the place value after the decimal point 1’s. 1 / 10 1 / / always simplify if possible
You need to be able to 1. Change a fraction to a decimal Do the divide Do the divide Remember the common ones Remember the common ones 2. Change a decimal to a fraction Look at the place value – Look at the place value – tenth ? / 10 tenth ? / 10 hundredth ? / 100 Remember to simplify the fraction Remember to simplify the fraction