Ephesians. The Critical Path of 6.1-4 Fathers duty to bring up curriculum: God’s Word foundation: fear of God assisting means: the local church the child’s.


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Presentation transcript:


The Critical Path of Fathers duty to bring up curriculum: God’s Word foundation: fear of God assisting means: the local church the child’s responseeffect on next generation

Honor your father and mother (first commandment with a promise) That it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. What is the Promise?

A Common Application This states a general principle that obedience fosters self-discipline, which in turn brings stability and longevity in one’s life. Stated conversely, it is improbable that an undisciplined person will live a long life… a clear example of this was Eli’s sons Hophni and Phinehas. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, NT Edition, page 642: It means rather that disobedience to parents is certain to bring about a troubled future. Baker Commentary on the Bible, page 1031:

Texts Supporting this Application Proverbs 3.1-2: My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life, and peace they will add to you. Proverbs 4.10: Hear, my son, and accept my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. Proverbs : The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you. Proverbs 10.27: The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be shortened.

What is Paul’s Meaning? General Principle? Specific purpose to support his teaching to the Ephesians? Our understanding of the promise offered must be founded upon the OT text from which it is quoted, and, it must harmonize with the context of vv. 1-4 as well as the greater context of the epistle. OR

OT Foundation Promise of the Fifth Commandment The nation of Israel would remain safe and secure in their own land, through many generations, while awaiting the arrival of Messiah. Background Scripture De. 4.1 & 5-10 De & De De & De & De De De De De

OT Foundation The 5th commandment did not promise that individual Israelites would live to a ripe, old age. It promised that: “You (Israel) may live long (many generations) in the land. The promise depended on each generation bringing up the next in the discipline and instruction of the LORD; and each subsequent generation honoring their parents by embracing, practicing, and passing down the faith of their fathers.

Harmony with Ephesians Paul is not promising long life for obedient children and those who honor their parents. He uses the 5th commandment and it’s promise to demonstrate the generational transmission of faith which he is teaching in Ephesians. “Honor” means to embrace, practice, and pass on the faith of our fathers. The promise depends on each generation bringing up the next in the discipline and instruction of the LORD; and each subsequent generation honoring their parents by embracing, practicing, and passing down the faith of their fathers. Why are the great fortresses of the Reformation in rubble today?

That it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. Life will be “well with us” as we await Messiah’s arrival and we will dwell in His land on this earth for a thousand years! When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Horatio Spafford