From Jerusalem to Galilee ---> From Galilee to Jerusalem--> Jerusalem & Temple 1: : : :1 Movement from Jerusalem to Galilee and back in Luke's writings
Jerusalem Temple Beginning ➢ Zechariah ➢ Mary ➢ Simeon ➢ Anna Just outside Jerusalem :13 ➢ John the Baptist All mankind will see God ’ s salvation ➢ Genealogy ➢ Temptation Temple Ending 1 st Sermon ➢ Inclusive Language for: ➢ Poor ➢ priosners ➢ oppressed ➢ blind ➢ “ release ” Chapter 7 ➢ Faith of Centurion 7:1-10 ➢ Outsider s are insiders ➢ Anointin g by Sinful woman 9:18-22 Peter ’ s confession Links the identity of Christ to the Desitny of Jesus Transfig- uration at end of Galilee (esp. 9:31) Set “ face ” towards Jerusalem (9:51) 4: :51 Galilee From Jerusalem to Galilee
9: :44 19:1 Jericho 19:29 As he approached Bethany 19:36 Down to Mountain of Olives 19:41 Approached Jerusalem From Galilee to Jerusalem 19:39, 37, 41: Close to Jerusalem – entry to temple Note: Vagueness of Geographical References 9:13 – Not Caesarea Philippi but “ prayer ” 9:51 – Samaritan opposition because he was heading to Jerusalem (9.53) 10:13-15 – Korazin; Bethsaida; Tyre; Sidon 10:38 – Home of Mary & Martha (Bethany; near Jerusalem) 17:11 – On the way to Jerusalem; between Samaria/Galilee 19:1 – Jericho/Zaccheaus Temple is sacred space for Acceptance or rejection of God's prophet
19:47 Every day in the temple 19:45 Entered Temple Jerusalem & Temple 19: Acts 8:1 20:37 Each day in temple, Each evening on Mt. Of Olives Resurrection: 24: Angelic witness - Women witness } Memorizes but nonsense 24: Revelation of Gods' Scriptural Plan - 1 st witness by Disciples (33-35) no faith - (36-49) Jesus' Witness Doubt? - (45-49) Missing piece Ascension in Luke Temporal (all on easter?) 2. Worship 3. Return to Temple Ascension in Acts 1 1. Convincing proofs He was alive 1:3 2. Period of 40 Days 3. Replay of Promise 1:4-5 vs. 24: Taken up 1:9 5. Return to Jerusalem (Temple?) 6. Named 11 with Mary & brothers & Jesus 7. Peter's New Hermeneutic: “ Holy Spirit ” & “ Scripture ” Judas' Death ??????? Selecting 13 th disciple