10/02/08Residents Voice1 “Big City” Politics
10/02/08Residents Voice2 PCM, Inc vs Lou Skogen
10/02/08Residents Voice3 Situation threats by a 73 yr old resident who asked her God to help the residents of LWV, were responded to with a threatened Injunction “Prohibiting Violence Or Threats Of Violence Against Employee.” OC Case #
10/02/08Residents Voice4 The Costs? PCM, Inc –Uses LWV Mutual Counsel. –$$$ From the Residents of LWV. –10/15/08 Hearing Lou Skogen –Her Private Counsel. –$$$ from Lou Skogen. –10/15/08 Hearing PCM can drop suit before the hearing (a common practice in cases like this). Plaintiff spends our money. Defendant spends her money.
10/02/08Residents Voice5 Result! Intimidation of anyone who has a right to speak up. Money for defense of PCM, Inc. was authorized by ???? –GRF? –United? –Third? Counter Suit ???
10/02/08Residents Voice6 The End