Monday: Word Problem: Mrs. Smith caught 8 beads at the Mardi Gras parade and 2 stuffed animals. How many throws did Mrs. Smith catch at the Mardi Gras parade? Choose a strategy and draw it out to solve. Tuesday Brainstorm by creating a list OR using a circle map of things you might see, hear, or catch at a Mardi Gras parade.*Circle Map example: Wednesday Using your list or circle map from last night, write two sentences about what you might see, hear or catch at a parade. Use inventive spelling writing only sounds you hear in words! Thursday Draw a very detailed picture to go with your writing from last night. HOMEWORK: *Please send in your child’s homework ON FRIDAY. No homework will be checked earlier than Friday! Please make sure all homework follows homework guidelines given and ALL homework is completed each week. LANGUAGE : “Laissez Les Bon Temps Roule!” We will have fun this week discussing Louisiana customs and our culture by celebrating Mardi Gras while continuing to discuss where we live on the big map…from the United States…to Louisiana…to Mandeville… to our home.! Through fiction and non-fiction literature, we will discover the many wonderful events and customs associated with the Louisiana holiday, Mardi Gras. As an added bonus, we will enjoy the annual “MES Mardi Gras Parade” this week hosted by our first graders. Let the good times roll ! Our high frequency word this week is little. In journal writing, we will continue to work on using more detail in describing their pictures, as well as inventive spelling and adding action words and attributes to create “juicier” sentences. MATH: We will continue Unit 4. This unit focuses on counting to 100 by ones and tens, using comparative vocabulary to describe two sets of up to 10 objects, and counting no more than 20 objects. It introduces adding and subtracting and finding number partners within 10. We will also complete a mid-year assessment of students math skills. Also, we will be administering our math mid-year assessments. VOCABULARY: Greater than, Less than, Put together, Add, Total, In all, All together, Take Away, Subtraction, Minus, Plus, Addition sentence, Subtraction Sentence, Equation Announcements: We would like to say a special “THANK YOU” to all of the parents who sent in goodies for our 100 piece snacks and volunteered their time on the 100 th day of school. We could not have made this day special for the children without your help and dedication. **SPIRIT DAY is THIS FRIDAY, February 5 th ! Donate 1$ and help support Royal KIDS Camp. More information will be sent home soon. NO SCHOOL February 8-12 th for the Mardi Gras Holidays. School will resume February 15 th. Have fun with your family! **VALENTINE’S DAY IS FEBRUARY 14 th … we are not planning on having a party; however, our class will exchange Valentines and enjoy some fun activities on Tuesday, FEBRUARY 16th. If your child would like to participate, please make sure they bring enough valentines cards for everyone. We have 21 students in our class. PLEASE DO NOT PUT NAMES ON THE CARDS. Just have your child sign each one. Any questions, just drop me a note. **Our annual MES SOCK HOP IS FRIDAY February 19 th at 5:30!** Dress up in your 50’s outfits and come “rock around the clock” with us at our annual MES Sock Hop herein the school gym. There will be music, food, dancing, and games! You won’t want to miss it!! The Keep Mandeville Beautiful contest information, entry form, and permission slip can be found on the MES website. The deadline to turn in your entry to Ms. Cleveland is Tuesday, February 16th. February 1-5, 2016 Dates to Remember : Feb 2- PTA Meeting 9:30 Feb 4- Krewe of MES Mardi Gras Parade Feb. 5- Spirit Day for Royal KIDS Camp Feb 8-12 Mardi Gras Holiday – No School Feb 19- MES Sock Hop 5:30-8:00 Feb 26- Cultural Arts Day March 1- Kindergarten Family Breakfast March 8- PTA Meeting at 9:30 AM March 10- End of Third Grading Period March 11- No School for Students (PD/Record Keeping Day) MMardi Gras beads spears