Domino's Pizza PR Crisis Sara Rose
What is a PR Crisis? Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property, seriously interrupt business, significantly damage reputation and/or negatively impact the bottom line. Operational response will break down. Stakeholders will not know what is happening and quickly become confused, angry, and negatively reactive. The organization will be perceived as inept, at best, and criminally negligent, at worst. The length of time required to bring full resolution to the issue will be extended, often dramatically (Bernstein)
How to Prepare for a PR Crisis. Anticipate Crisis Identify Your Crisis Communications Team Identify and Train Spokespersons Establish Notification and Monitoring Systems Identify and Know Your Stakeholders Develop Holding Statements (Bernstein)
Domino’s Pizza in Conover, N.C.
Kristy Hammonds, 31 and Michael Setzer, 32 Two Domino’s Pizza employees filmed a prank in the restaurant’s kitchen, they decided to post it online. In a few days, thanks to the power of social media, they ended up with felony charges, more than a million disgusted viewers, and a major company facing a public relations crisis (Clifford).
Dominos was working on a public relations crisis plan and was going to launch it within a week, but within 48 hours the videos eventually made over a million views and there was enough damage to cause them to stop advertising and hide. The franchisee brought in the local health department, which advised them to discard all open containers of food costing hundreds of dollars.
How to get fired from Dominos Pizza
Bernstein, Jonathan. "The 10 Steps of Crisis Communication." Bernstein Crisis Management, INC (2013): 1-8. Web. 22 February steps-of-crisis-communications.pdfhttp:// steps-of-crisis-communications.pdf Clifford, Stephanie. "Video Prank at Domino’s Taints Brand." The New York Times (2009): B1. Web. 22 February ml?_r=0 ml?_r=0 Jacques, Amy. "Domino’s Delivers During Crisis: The Company’s Step-By-Step Response After a Vulgar Video Goes Viral." Public Relations Society of America (2009). The Strategist. Web. 22 February /Domino_s_delivers_during_crisis_The_company_s_step#.VOp GZ4Y8KK3 02/Domino_s_delivers_during_crisis_The_company_s_step#.VOp GZ4Y8KK3