Drama Vocabulary Week 7
Apron Part of the stage that protrudes out from the proscenium.
Arena Theatre Staging set-up in which the audience sits on all four sides of the playing area
Backdrop Painted curtain without folds that gives the illusion of a 3-D set.
Batten Rod suspended over the stage from which lights and scenery are hung
Blocking The pattern of movement that an actor follows
Curtain A set of hanging drapery for concealing all of part of the stage or set from the view of the audience
Dimmers Controllers that are used to gradually bring the lights up or down
Flat Canvas covered wooden frame used to create scenery
Fourth Wall The imaginary “wall” that makes up the rest of the space in which the play takes place. It is the place where the audience is.
House Seating within the auditorium
Legs Curtains that hang straight down or the right and left sides of the stage
Pit Area between the stage and the first row of seats
Proscenium Arch Architectural arch that forms the front of the stage
Raked Stage Auditorium in which the floor slopes up away from the stage so that all audience members can easily see the stage.
Set The environment of the play including the scenery and furniture.
Thrust Stage A combination of the proscenium and the arena stages with the audience sitting on two or three sides of the acting area.
Wings Offstage to the left and right of the acting area