1 & 2 Chronicles
The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles contain a history of the Lord’s people from the time of Adam to the time of King Cyrus and present much of the same history as 1 and 2 Kings.
Gen Gen. 1-5 ~ Moses 2-8 Exodus Joshua Judges S D S 1-2 Samuel Ruth Israel Judah Babylonians 1 Chronicles ? Melchizedek Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Jonah Elijah Lehi Obadiah Jeremiah Lamentations Habukuk Nahum Zaphaniah Isaiah Joel Micah Forgiveness 1-2 Kings 11 Amos Genesis 6-10 Gen Numbers + Deuteronomy Leviticus 2 Kings Kings 17-2 Kings 13 2 Kings Kings Assyrians Adam Enoch Noah Abraham+ Bathsheba 700 Jericho 2 Chronicles Moses 1 Gen A Choice Seer Elisha Shadrach Meshach Abednego Hannah Isaac+ Jacob+ Esau T HE 12 T RIBES OF I SRAEL Sarah Rebecca Rachel (Leah) (Solomon) /0 /8 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles
ANAIJJMJJ&RSSDS ABPR NKNK J damdam oahoah brahambraham saacsaac acobacob osephoseph osesoses oshuaoshua udgesudges uthuth amuelamuel aulaul avidavid olomonolomon ssyriansssyrians abyloniansabylonians ersiansersians eturneturn 4,000 BC400 BC orthern ingdom udah The Old Testament Story FILL IN THE BLANKS
ANAIJJMJJ&R damdam oahoah brahambraham saacsaac acobacob osephoseph osesoses oshuaoshua udgesudges uthuth 4,000 BC The Old Testament Story ANAIJJMJJ & R
ANAIJJMJJ&RSSDS ABPR NK J 3p 8p 2p3p G E L N D J JRJR 1S 2S 1K 2K 1 Chronicles2 Chronicles J P P E S I J (L) ED H J A O J M N H Z H Z M EEEE ENE Story Poetry Prophets Books of the Old Testament
CONEXT: Find A Favorite Story Before 2 Kings. Identify: Identify A Powerful Verse. Understand: Write a Principle of Truth based on that Verse (Hint: If we….. Then….). Feel: Share Why This Principle Is Meaningful. Apply: Share a Testimony or An Invitation To Act
So… what important principles do we learn from the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles? Because of the Lord’s compassion for us, He sends prophets to warn us of the consequences of sin. Those who reject the words of the prophets will eventually experience the judgments of God. Read (and mark) 1 Chronicles 16:8-12