Background Micah means “Who is like Jehovah?” He prophesied to Judah about 730 B.C. That time can be seen in 2 Kings 15:32- 20:21 and 2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33 Theme: punishment of Israel and Judah Micah is Isaiah’s contemporary –Micah spoke to the countryside –Isaiah spoke to the city Micah credits God as his source of power and claims inspiration – 1:1; 3:8
The Punishment of Samaria Because of her service to idols – 1:6-7 –She believed her wealth came from playing the harlot in service to Baal – Exodus 20:2-6 –God would see that wealth destroyed and offered in another nation in service to Baal Because of covetousness – 2:1-5; 1 Kings 21:1-24 –Wicked rich laid awake all night plotting what to do to the poor, then got up to do it – Exodus 20:17 –They will take up the cry of the oppressed –There will be no one to measure their inheritance – 3:1-4
The Punishment of Samaria They would rather listen to a false prophet than God’s true message – 2:6-11 –A prophecy of destruction does not have to be made against those who walk uprightly God will punish the false prophets – 3:5-7, –When they most desire to know, God will darken their day and there will be no vision –They would cover the lip like a leper – Leviticus 13:45 –Such covering of the lip is also an expression of mourning – Ezekiel 24:17
The Coming Prince of Peace Joel 4-5 In contrast to the coming destruction, Micah pictures the last days – Acts 2:17 The new kingdom would include people of all nations – Luke 24:47; Acts 15:13-18 The great Shepherd will gather the once driven sheep into a kingdom with no earthly king, but God as the head – Isaiah 40; Micah 4:5-8 The new ruler would come out of Bethlehem – Micah 5:2-4; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:10-11
Description of True Religion Three requirements of true religion – Micah 6:8 –To do justly – treat God and man as scripture directs, which would include sacrifice –Love mercy – do not do just what the law demands but use love as the basis for actions –Walk humbly with God – recognize your helplessness without God and submit to his absolutely good and holy nature