Background Notes
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma Brainstorm events and situations that you think may cause someone to suffer from PTSD.
re-experiencing the original trauma through flashbacks or nightmares avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma Increased arousal – such as difficulty falling or staying asleep or anger Nervous habits (biting nails, pulling out hair, constant movement)
act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally bullies gain power o emotional o verbal o physical
1. why teenagers bully other teenagers 2. how teenagers bully other teenagers 3. effects of bullying (How does it make victims feel? What long- term effects are there, if any?)
Why: Targets are often pupils who are considered strange or different by their peers How: Usually victims are taunted and teased before being physically assaulted
a group of students takes advantage of or isolates one student o This group gains the loyalty of bystanders who want to avoid becoming the next victim
Bullying can cause o Loneliness o Depression o Anxiety o low self-esteem o increased susceptibility to illness