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Transitive and Intransitive verbs The batter hit the ball The bird sang What is the difference between the two verbs in the above sentences?
What are transitive verbs?
Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. Here are some more examples of transitive verbs: I baked some cookies. I rode the bicycle. I moved the chair. I stitched a quilt.
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What are intransitive verbs?
Intransitive verbs are action verbs but unlike transitive verbs, the do not have an object receiving the action.action verbs More examples of intransitive verbs: I laughed. I cried. The book fell. The horse galloped. The sun set.
What about this sentence? I walked to the park today. Is walked transitive or intransitive?
Let’s Practice!! Do the exercise on page 51. TAI: Complete the worksheet about transitive and intransitive verbs.