IPG Technology Integration June 2006 Welcome! Instructional Technology IPG Development Team IPG Tech Team Home Page
Goals Review the technology standards Review the AISD Curriculum (IPGs) Review the Tech Apps Curriculum (Learning.com - Easy Tech) Develop tech “core expectations” Collect other useful resources Develop plan for training and implementation
A message from our leader… Dr. Forgione
Instructional Technology Staff Dave Sanders - Director IPG - Tech Team Leaders Stacey Shapiro - Zilker Elementary Dee Susong - Bryker Woods Elementary Susan Wolter - Bedichek Middle School Austin ISD IT Staff
National Standards National Standards NETS for Students ISTE International Society for Technology Education
State Standards State Standards TEKS Technology Applications Condensed Reference Version
Instructional Planning Guides You are the experts!
AISD Tech Apps Curriculum Recommended sequence of Easy Tech Lessons. Over Arching Ideas Guiding Questions
Tech Literacy Assessment The first of it’s kind - online/interactive 5th Grade and 8th Grade TLA
What web sites should be recommended? Give us your bookmarks! iKeepBookMarks.com Online Resources Nettrekker Digital Videos - Discovery Atomic Learning
AISD Online Community Online discussion for this project Consider the possibilities The Forum
IPG Tech Team Deliverables Baseline common tech projects for grades K-8. Collect additional resources for recommended use (URL’s, videos, etc.)
How do we get started? Questions ? Discussion!
Grade level plan… Big picture… First draft….. How does it flow?