Research Finding: Information pushed beyond the LMC into classrooms and into the home affects academic achievement.
In High Scoring Schools: Students can link to the LMC remotely. Databases/electronic resources are available online. Computers are linked to the Internet.
In Colorado “Connected” Schools : 4th grade6% higher scores 7th grade18% higher scores
School Computers Networked to LMC Averages for Highest & Lowest Scoring Schools in CO, TX, OR, IA & NM School LevelHighestLowest Elementary1310 Middle1712 High2418 Higher scoring schools typically have 1/3 more computers in classrooms, labs, and offices that provide networked access to the LMC’s information resources
In Alaska Connected Schools: Learners with higher tech library media centers scored higher on achievement tests.
Conclusion As quality information gets closer and closer to the elbow of the learner, academic achievement is affected. The concern is extending this advantage to every learner.