NSF RCR Training Requirement New NSF requirement for Responsible Conduct of Research in effect as of January 4, 2010 Mandates RCR training for students and postdocs on all NSF awards Enabling legislation: America COMPETES Act (2008) (America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education)
Specific requirements for trainees Students and postdoctoral researchers must complete this required training either within the first year of their working on an NSF-supported project or before they conclude their commitment to the project Office of Research RCR Training website ge=rcr ge=rcr
Specific requirements for P.I.s For all funded NSF proposals, Principal Investigators will be responsible for ensuring that any students and/or postdoctoral researchers who are working or volunteering on their NSF-supported research project take the required online RCR P.I.s and Dept. Administrators can confirm completion records for any NSF-supported student or postdoc via the “Confirm Completion” link on the right-hand menu of the OR RCR Training web page ge=rcr (requires UW Net ID for login) ge=rcr
Undergraduate Students Undergraduate students working or volunteering on NSF-funded projects must complete the RCR online training offered through the UW Center on Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research (CMDITR) Questions? Consult your faculty advisor
Grad Students & Postdoc Researchers Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers working or volunteering on NSF-funded projects must complete the online RCR training offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI): Questions? Grad Students should contact your Grad Prog Advisor Postdocs should contact your Departmental Administrator