Turn Sequence and Observation Turn Sequence 1. Resolve Artillery Fire 2. Roll for initiative (high roll becomes side A) 3. Side A moves (including Helicopters and fixed wing) and close assaults. 4. Side B acquires/ fires, launches missiles, resolve CAP, performs helicopter pop ups and off table AAA 5. Side A acquires/ fires, launches missiles, performs helicopter pop ups, resolves air attacks, close assaults resolved. Morale resolved for side A and B. 6. Side B moves (including helicopters and fixed wing) and close assaults. 7. Side A acquires/ fires, launches missiles, performs helicopter pop ups, resolve CAP and off table AAA 8. Side B acquires/ fires, launches missiles, performs helicopter pop ups, resolves air attacks, close assaults resolved. Morale resolved for side A and B. 9. Missile fire resolved 10. Remove suppression markers, switch neutralized markers to suppressed. Movement Cost Observation Table Observation Modifiers Observer Actions -1 Observer Higher -2 Target observed by friendly units in previous phase -1 Observer or Recce Soldier. -2 AA over watch vs. Aircraft or Helicopter -2 Air Defence vehicles vs. air target -3 Target is in observation target area (observer must be stationary) +1 observing into/through, out of fire zone (cumulative) +1 Observer Moving (moved over 5 cm) +2 Observer Suppressed +2 Helicopter performing Pop Up +3 AA over watch vs. ground target +3 viewing into/ through partial smoke (SG or SD deployed smoke) -3 Fixed Wing aircraft on attack run within target radius -2 (if equipped with an LD) when being lased vs. the targeting vehicle. -5 (if equipped with a LD) when being painted or designated vs. the designator. Target Actions -1 per each additional target unit within 5cm. +3 Out of Arc -2 Moved up to 20cm in view -1 Per each additional 10cm movement in view (round up) -2 Target considered moving (non-cumulative during observers movement phase only) +2 Target moved out of sight +3 Target moved into sight -1 firing small arms -1 AT Weapon without back flash -2 AT Weapon with back flash -2 firing weapon up to 50mm -3 firing weapon over 50mm -4 firing Flamethrower/ MRL/ Large Missile -1 Silhouetted -2 High Silhouetted +2 Target in cover -1 Target Dug in +2 Targets Camouflaged -3 Target using active IR with observer using II Target Size Range in centimetres A B C D E F G Vehicle TypeLinear ObstacleCoverRough GroundBroken Ground Track+1 X2 X3X4 1/2 Track +1X2 X3X4 High Mobility 6x6 and 8x8+1 X2 X3X4 Wheeled 6x6+2 X2 X3X4 Wheeled 2x4 and 4x4 +2X2 X4X5 APU Guns +2X1NP Infantry 0X1 X2 Horse 0X1 X2 Infantry Heavy Weapon0X1 X2
Area Fire and Fire Effects Area Fire Deviation Modifiers (apply to die roll) Observer +2 Suppressed -2 trained observer -1 Using Laser rangefinder or GSV vs. mover -1 “Other” positioning system -2 for each successive round at same target. -2 Satellite positioning system, or GPS -4 Registered Targets Firing Unit -2 Artillery Management System. -2 on table or has line of sight to target. Indirect Fire Modifiers (apply to die roll) +3 thermobaric warhead +3 thermobaric warhead, target in enclosed cover -2 target in light cover -3 target in medium cover -4 infantry dug in with overhead cover -2 firing unit suppressed +2 air burst vs open topped or soft skin -2 target in deadground -4 using WP Smoke +2 per overlapping fire zone. Bailing Out Results Armour Effects on Chemical Energy Weapons and ERA vs. KE Chemical Energy Modifier -1 per level of Spaced/Chobham Armour above S1/C1 ERA Modifier -2 vs. Russian ERA +1 HP Gun (KE only) -2 HEAT/ Chemical Energy Penetration Effects on Armoured Targets Penetration Results versus Soft Targets Dice RollArmour type BasicSpacedChobhamERA DifferenceDie Roll to -1SSSSSSSSND 0SSSSSSNNDD 1-2SSSSSNNNDD 3-4SSNNNNDDDD 5-6NNNNDDDDDD 7-9NNDDDDDDDD 10+DDDDDDDDDD Firing Weapon Die Roll MG/ HMGSSNNNDDDDD Auto cannon/ GL SSNDDDDDDD OthersSSSSNNNDDD Transport disabled by Results SuppressedNeutralizedDisabled HEAT/ HE/ Flame AP over 90mm AP under 90/ Mines Auto’s/ MG/ Bomblets DieAdjusted Fire Number