Student Netbook Instructional Technology Facilitators Wilkes County Schools
One goal of the No Child Left Behind legislation is that all students will be proficient in the use of technology. The US Department of Education states in the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills that student proficiency means using the appropriate technology tools and applying them to various tasks within the classroom.
Why Netbooks? Increase student engagement, motivation, and self-directed learning. Improve school to home communication. Improve the quality of student learning and academic achievement as they develop 21 st Century skills.
Why Netbooks? Provide greater access to educational opportunities, formative assessments, and differentiated instruction. Equip students to become life long learners. Prepare students for a 21 st Century job market.
Issuing Netbook Students registering for middle school will be issued a Netbook after a parent meeting is conducted and proper parent and student signatures are provided. The Netbook will be assigned in the same manner as a textbook.
One Netbook laptop Power cord/charger Battery Laptop case Appropriate software Issuing Netbook Laptops
Issuing Netbook The serial number of the Netbook will be recorded and students will check it out through the media center. Once the Netbook is issued to a student, it will stay with the student for the remainder of the school year, or until the student withdraws from school.
Issuing Netbook At the middle schools, students will be reassigned their original Netbook each year while enrolled in that middle school. The Netbooks are not to be left unsupervised at school or in unsecured locations.
Issuing Netbook Wilkes County Schools will loan a Netbook to students upon compliance with the following: o Student Training session o Parent Orientation o A signed Student Acceptable Use Policy o A Netbook Agreement signed by the student and parent
Netbook Responsibility It is the responsibility of the students to care for the Netbook and all other equipment in the manner outlined in the Middle School Laptop Handbook. Misuse or abuse of the Netbook and other equipment will result in lose of Netbook use and/or financial restitution.
Netbook Responsibility Parents and students should read and understand the Netbook Laptop Handbook before signing. Students and parents should understand that the equipment is the property of WCS and is on loan to their child. Students will be held accountable for their actions.
Netbook Responsibility There will be a $50.00 insurance deductible charged for damage, abuse, or neglect of the laptop or any of its components. If the laptop is stolen, a police report must be filed and submitted to the school principal or assistant principal within 48 hours. The $50.00 insurance deductible still applies. Mysterious loss is not covered under the insurance policy. The full price of the laptop will be charged if the laptop is lost.
Parent Responsibility Sign and follow the Netbook Laptop Agreement. Reimburse the school district for any fines caused by damage, misuse, neglect, or loss, including theft, as outlined in the Netbook Laptop Handbook. Parents are responsible for reviewing Wilkes County Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy and the Netbook Laptop Handbook with their child.
Students Things to know and keep in mind: 1.Do not remove the laptop from its case. 2.Do not remove the battery from the laptop. 3.Login only on the computer assigned to you. 4.Using software to bypass the Internet filter is not permitted. Disciplinary action will be taken by the principal or assistant principal.
Students Things to know and keep in mind: 1.The laptop is assigned to you, but remains property of Wilkes County Schools. 2.Do not place stickers on the laptop or case, write on it, or mark it in anyway. 3.No downloading/installing of any other software. 4.The laptop is for EDUCATIONAL use.
Gratitude We greatly appreciate your support as we work to provide your child with the tools to compete globally!