1947: British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act Ended British rule in India Muhammad Ali Jinnah: governor general of Pakistan Jawaharlal Nehru: Prime Minister of India During the partition… Hindu-Muslim violence increased 500,000 people died 15 million people migrated: Muslims went to Pakistan, Hindus went to India (for the most part…) Pakistan divided in 1971 W. Pakistan = Pakistan E. Pakistan = Bangladesh
Ethnic and religious differences Many military dictatorships since it was created Majority-Muslim country Agricultural society Patriarchal/large extended families Arranged marriages In wealthy households, the practice of keeping women in seclusion (purdah) is still common Increased population = people moved to cities and that has strained resources (193 million people live there) 40% of people are under age 15
1. Terrorism and insurgents (al Qaeda and the Taliban) 2. Kashmir and tensions with India (Both sides have nuclear weapons) 3. Gender inequality: honor killings: when male relatives kill female relatives because they are seen as bringing shame to the family 4. Hindu-Muslim issues 5. Area for transit of Afghan drugs
BBC: ofiles/ stm CIA World Factbook "Pakistan." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 9 Feb