Traffic Signals NV Driver Education Curriculum Unit 2: Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings Presentation 2 of 3
Traffic Signals Traffic signals are used to control traffic by indicating who has the right of way. Standards lighting sequence: green – yellow – red – green If the traffic light is not working –come to a FULL stop before proceeding through intersection –yield to pedestrians and other traffic that have already stopped or are in the intersection
Red Light Come to a complete stop Stop behind the crosswalk, stop bar or roadway edge line Do not enter the intersection You may make right turn (where not prohibited by signs) after stopping and yielding to other traffic and pedestrians Remain stopped until light turns green Red light means STOP
Yellow Light Warning that right of way is expiring Red light will follow immediately If already in the intersection continue moving If you have not entered the intersection, must stop DO NOT speed up to “beat the light” Yellow light means CAUTION
Green Light Authorized to proceed Check traffic on left, center, right, and left again –do not enter if other road users look as if they are not stopping Proceed when clear and safe When approaching a light that has been green for some time (stale green) be prepared for the light to turn yellow Green light means GO (when it’s clear) 94% of red-light runners do so within 2 seconds of light change
Flashing Lights FLASHING RED Same meaning as a stop sign. You must come to a full stop. Proceed when safe. FLASHING YELLOW Slow down. Proceed with caution. Be prepared to stop.
Arrows RED ARROW - Movement is not allowed in the direction of the arrow. YELLOW ARROW – Appears after a green arrow to indicate the light is about to change to red. Warning to clear the intersection GREEN ARROW – Traffic moving in the direction of the arrow may proceed if clear. When a green arrow is showing, the turn is protected from other traffic. Arrows indicates traffic direction
Lane Signals Special lights used over lanes on some highways and expressways Each light is a lane signal Different from the arrows that regulate turns RED “X” – Lane is closed. Do not drive in this lane. YELLOW “X” – Lane signal is going to change. Exit the lane safely before the red “X” appears GREEN ARROW – Lane may be used.
“Dog House” Signals Display of 5 lights, allowing more vehicles to make left turns at intersections and keep traffic moving. YELLOW ARROW Protected left turn ending GREEN ARROW Protected left turn
Ramp Meters Ramp meters improve motorist safety and traffic flow on freeways Pull vehicle to white line. Watch meter for signal. When signal turns green, one car per lane may enter freeway. Failing to stop at a ramp meter is a violation similar to running a red light.
Warning Signals Sign and signal lights Pedestrian walkway warning School zones and stop signs
Pedestrian Signals Pedestrian signals are mounted near traffic lights Signals may use words or symbols Some have countdown timers, flashing, and/or emit audible beeps (can be used to determine “stale” green lights)
Did You Know Garrett Augustus Morgan ( ) was an African-American inventor who patented a type of traffic signal, in The Morgan traffic signal was a T-shaped pole unit that featured three hand cranked positions: Stop, Go, and an all-directional stop position. Morgan sold the traffic signal rights to General Electric Corporation for $40,000. Final Thoughts