shift patrick baudisch :: dan vogel
pen unique contact point remove hand from screen finger unclear contact point finger occludes target
benefit 1 click on the target itself, as users expect kiosk, but also when switching between pen and touch shift
corners benefit 2 callout can go anywhere, no edge problems
model performance benefit 3 fast for large targets
by default:dwell time extension:larger target longer dwell time extension:shift learns dwell times when escalate? vs.
3 techniques x 2 finger styles (nail, tip) x 3 blocks x 6 target sizes (6, 12, 18, 24, 48, 96px) x 4 target directions
huge error rate renders touch screen condition unusable for small targets result
we can add whatever we want to add to this
added zoom
motivation retrieving stylus takes time and 2 nd hand people use finger instead