Extension Perspective on the Small Ruminant Industry Susan Schoenian Area Agent, Sheep & Goat Specialist Maryland Cooperative Extension
Diverse Industry Meat Dairy Fiber Hobby/Lifestyle (small) Commercial (large) Club lambs/goats Show Commercial Hair
Basic Shepherding/Goat keeping Conferences Seminars 101 classes Lambing/Kidding School
Control of Internal Parasites IPM/FAMACHA© Workshops –In 2004 and 2005, 20 workshops in 7 states –556 producers certified in FAMACHA© use –91% using FAMACHA© –78% are deworming less –64% are having less worm problems.
Pasture-Based Performance Testing Program in W. MD June 10 - Oct 7, 2006 Male goats Pasture only, no supplementation Data to be collected –Rate of gain –BCS –FAMACHA© –FEC’s –Ultrasound
4-H/Youth –Curriculum –Workshops –Local, county, and state shows –Skillathons
Research Priorities Health –Stomach worms –Meningeal worm Nutrition –Pasture recommendations –Pasture rotation Breeding –Breed selection –Crossbreeding programs –Genetic improvement Economics –Can you make money?