Designed by: Anita Has Kristina Suen
SYNOPSIS I.Motivation & Requirements II.Design & Description of Operation i. Hardware ii. Software III.Demonstration
MOTIVATION & REQUIREMENTS Security Vulnerabilities Lost/Stolen Key Eavesdropper SMART – AKK Requirements Encryption of data over communication line Tiny Encryption Algorithm Biometric verification module ARA-ME-01 Biometric Module Vehicle simulation Wireless communication via XBEEs
X-Bee Wireless Modules 10 meter range test USART Communication 8-bit data packets baud rate
ARA-ME-01 Biometric Module On chip authentication Scanning & matching of 120 fingerprints Less than 3 seconds fingerprint matching (1:N)
ARA-ME-01 Biometric Module USART Communication baud rate 1-start, 1-stop, 8-bit data, no parity Packet format (in hex) Example packet Read image from sensor and store in image buffer Packet head Device address Packet flag Packet length CommandChecksum RequestEF01FFFFFFFF ResponseEF01FFFFFFFF A
ARA-ME-01 Biometric Module Application to SMART - AKK Master fingerprint Enroll additional fingerprints Reset memory and master Authenticate fingerprints (1:N) Execute any command on AKV
Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) Why TEA? i. Simplicity ii. Speed iii. Cryptographic strength AKV Data Packet:64-bits AKK/AKV VIN Key : 128-bits (used to encrypt data packet)
Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) Example AKV Data Packet: Five possible action commands (Lock/Unlock Doors, Engine On/Off, Panic) Serial number consists of synchronized counter to prevent eavesdropping Action Command (32 bits) Serial Number (32 bits) Before Encryption After EncryptionA2A74BBB
initialize LEDs and buttons open USARTs fingerprint scanned ? fingerprint valid ? button pressed ? create AKV action/label packet encrypt Packet send start TX byte send packet in bytes send end TX byte SMART – AKK Software Flow NO
initialize LEDs open USART start TX byte received ? receive byte end TX byte received ? decrypt packet valid AKV action/label ? execute AKV action; LED sequence NO 8 byte buffer overflow ? NO AKV Software Flow
<< 4 >> 5
Scan Valid Fingerprint Press Valid Button Sequence Create Action Command & Serial Number TEA Encrypt 64-Bit Packet X-Bee Send Packet AKV Execute Command